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mtnndeww Views: 439
Published: 21 y


Newspaper story says 8000years ago, 6000B.C., a huge glacial meltwater lake formed where Lake Winnipeg is today.
130,000 cubic KILOMETERS of freshwater poured into the oceans, raising them a half meter in 6 mos.

This made the Persian Giulf - dry at that time - flood easily as it is flatbottomed. Noah built his arc for that, not rainfall by god.

I posted this at the Christianity Forum too, if it looks familiar. But there is nobody there, like church.

It seems there is some meaning here, like a shift in my view of the global warming cycles, how weather has shaped humanity - where and how we live.
Humankind didn't live in ice, so maybe most of Canada was uninhabited. Sudden changes came about the same time as all the bibles stories start - Noah to christ time - and so much in human history seems to have started at that time.
Did something happen when the waters poured out, drying up some land in N America, and flooding the east, and coasts? \

it seems to me that there is history that is not clear in that period, but it isn't so long ago. That history could be clear - so somebody does not want us to know all the facts. i believe this.

Maybe the world did start to really live about 6 or 8000 years ago. Maybe we are really very new - 10,000 years is not much time to evolve.
That could imply aliens, or sure, if you insist [but stranger yet] is that a god had something to do with our "sudden appearance" on earth?
Just as it was getting nice here on earth after an ice age - like maybe the aliens arranged it like that, stopping the ice age with a dust cloud or something. If god was involved, he would have simply worked thru nature and sent a comet to raise a dust cloud.[I keep telling you to substitute the word "nature" in place of god when reading the bible, fogret god.]{This story works well that way!

That puts a view of the global weather together for me:
1] it was warming up at that time, after a glacial period [we are still in same warming part of cycle now, likely longer than previous ones, so this should go on for a long time before we go glacial again.]
That implies that GLOBAL WARMING is caused by natural forces, as the 'fossil-fools' say. it dos not mean fossil fuels are not a problem tho.
BUT that implies that we MUST NOT CONTRIBUTE to global warming at all, as the temperatures are going to go up too much, lets not make it worse, if indeed burning fossil fuels is adding to the warming, adding to a problem. {Meaning we should reduce as much as possible, which is a lot lot more than we are doing now]

2]What? Noahs arc, glacial meltwater, and global warming? I better get off this boat now. ...losing my kkkkkvisions



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