a face
A face
Arbutus in May is flowers of one type. Crows are dark like rot carrions. Times are on us to survey. Flowers are redbug in garden or maple-leaves on maple trees. The environments and geography have many different faces.
But we are all human race who love our greedy lives but fear of death. We have many abstract fears for we are some wise animals. On the other hand some one is broaden their minds about the values of lives while some are bold enough to risk their lives because of their angry
Flowers may or may not be all alike. It depends on what is the witch of your lover s letters. However no matter what is your billwitch. Your love letters generally involved the over exploitation for loves.
Billows are some heavy strikes. Loves are so general so it is bible inside the courts. My doggish ideas on the disadvantages of laws to control human is clear. As laws are controlled by some big groups!
We always got the set back from laws. However this is the advantage of some forms of lives when we all abide to laws. I believe nearly each of one had been some criminals.
Unless you are the chief commander to carry a lot of closed armies, otherwise you are nothings to be irresistible. If you still in good luck with your very strict minds or spirits then you will at least lose your powers and forces.
We may maintain your rights and positions that are so simple as only one man who stand on earth or even live in slums. I do not mean your white washed face that is full of faces powers. I mean your straight and honest souls. If you like at a very serious face you need not believe all in it.
In the past time Bill got billy in loves .WE are some angry apes. What laws give us is an objective lives. In some how we may got some teaches. A sad eye or a red eye may stop our thought but may be they could bought us to hell.
It is so easy to easy to be in the fire of the hell. If you only have your self-respect through your dignity then you are some dead man. Only if you have power and force in your hands or to be lend in your hands then you could alive.
There are no true honest souls. This is my words give to crafty heroes and formidable heroes. We all babies and suckers in the very first day of our birth
It may highly or little depends on one character whether we are capable or non-capable before we have been all done. The murder is only one joke. The joker is our God. Give Jesus a wet nurse not just only some panel pins.
Our first foray is to drink some juices with out guards. To play safe is our young hopes. We are already does. Gradualism is some one often tries to lie on the other s camps with positive permission.
To rebel and to revolt are always hid away from one face. Greedy eyes could be shameful like the two ossified arms. But greedy minds could also be set up with honors.
Really my honorable! Wind up my live I always could not go to the safe top. I am not going to be fail-safe yet. I still wish my honor back. If you look at my face then I wish there is a shapeless metal emblem my picture of a beautiful lives on the sleeves of my arms.
However it is always playful from the upper clouds to the sky mountain. How high is one s altitudes? A face make with coppers are only copper man. A face show with shameless expressions is not our real looks
by cheung shun sang=cauchy3=laplace181