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Dali Lama - Infinite Compassion - is this religion?
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Published: 21 y

Dali Lama - Infinite Compassion - is this religion?

The Dali Lama came to Vancouver B.C. today. 26,000 people bought tickets to his speach, and they sold pit faster than the Rolling Stones , for the same building.

A calm spread over the whole province today, partly due to the news on T.V. , and the papers, let him speak a little on compassion and awareness.
He mentioned infinite compassion for all sentient beings, to stay young at heart. I will try to get a link up here, check back later, I'll search.

He had to make sure everyone knows that his message is not political - the Chinese government is making waves about other leaders, like Canada's Prime Minister even talking to the Dali Lama.
His message is not political. He did say that local customs are good to follow [there may be local natural conditions that make it right]. He did mention that local governments have the most compassion - that might not sit well with the Chinese or Americans.

I don't think GWBushCo is going to see the Dali Lama - have you heard? Dali Lama will be in Canada for 19 days, they said.\

Is the Dali Lama's message religious?
I don't think there a central god in Buddism, but there are some supernatural charachters and re-incarnation and things that "cannot be proven of disproven, things of FAITH".
Like Buddah, and the idea that the Dali Lama is some perfect re-incarnation of him.
I bet the Dali Lama doesn't even believe that one.

I like to think it all works out to just stay in the "what is here now", and the precense of great men and spirits can be known if it is to be so[no gods , no religious doctrines].
The Dali Lama's message comes thru very well with that philosophy.



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