Hello everyone,
How wonderful to come across this forum in a health/healing website, and how appropriate. I thought you might like to know about a beautiful, healing experience that happened to me at a time when I was going through tremendous grief. My marriage of nearly a quarter century had suddenly ended, and not at my request. Emotionally I was a bloody mess. My Christian friends were so loving and supportive, it was a comfort having them in my life. One night as I lay on my bed,I'm not sure whether I was awake or asleep....a presence like an invisible tumbling cloud moving along the ground like autumn leaves in the wind came toward me from my left side. As it approached, I became aware that it was the Holy Spirit...His fragrance captivated me... layered, at first light, bright, citrusy, but deeper...earthy and sweet. His presence enveloped me, bathing me in his wonderful aroma, passed over me,swirling and tumbling,off to my right and away. Without a doubt I was awake now. He had moved on but his fragrance remained! It pervaded the room in a completely literal way. I sniffed my bedding and my night clothes to see if it was coming from something around me, but no! It was Him. The fragrance lingered for several minutes before it faded. What a precious gift. He will never leave me or forsake me. Or you.
I don't base my faith on eperiences but I'm sure blessed when when they come.
Love, peace, joy in Jesus