First you need to post this on the #3 site. This is an archive site and I just happen to see your post. You'll get more responses. They could mean a lot of things.......Dehydration, the thyroid is the one that is confusing. It is not like the others. It's a hormone not a blood ceell..........hhhmmmm? No wonder your tired. Do you juice? The first thing I would do if I were you is carrots, beets and other greens the blood transfusion Shculze talks about. I'm starting it tonight because I lost alot of volume and I know I'm in the gutter. That's the best I can do, for you. I don't care for lab values I only know when it's time to call the MD on someone. I'd call the MD on you. Dehydration, bleeding somewhere these are what go through my head.