Re: Questions re Intestinal Formula #1
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Just found it and it looks great!
I'd like to ask you a question about Dr. Christoper's formulae: Do you know the reason why
Dr. Schulze doesn't recommend them? I'm a big fan of
Dr. Schulze , so if he doesn't recommend something, I'm apt to listen.
Also, I'd like to add my own comment to this thread: I too have a problem taking Schulze's Intestinal #1. I used to be able to take 7 capsules with no problem. Then, for some reason, even just 2, WITH a meal AND plenty of water, would cause excruciating, debilitating cramps and burning in the stomach. I'm talking writhing around in pain, barely able to walk or speak! I'm no wimp when it comes to physical discomfort (used to be a serious athlete before I came down with CFS), but this was too much. I switched over to Intestinal #3.
What I'd like to know is if anybody knows why this happened? I'm starting my own herbal company and plan to produce my own versions of
Dr. Schulze 's formulae, so this knowledge is important if I'm going to recommend my or Dr. Schulze's products to anybody.