Re: Okay...lets see how much propaganda you know tomb
#1 The leading cause of death in the United States is Iatrogenic disease (for those of you who don't know what the word means it means DOCTOR CAUSED published by JAMA the doctors mag itself!)
#2 the FDA is as corrupt as the Government FDA officals or employees routinely work for MONSANTO and then the FDA and then back to MONSANTO of course with a hefty raise. This is well documented by many sources such as the book called Milk the deadly poison you can look it up on the web and get a copy and read it for yourself for all the documentation. These people who work for multinationals are not intrested in youre health im sorry to say. IN OTHERWORDS when a drug is approved by the FDA it just REVIEWS the information provided to it by the DRUG COMPANY that wants it to be approved. DUHHHH of course they are going to have the perfect studys that show that the drugs are safe.
#3 Alternative health kills people, well by youre own admission then you should be dead. One alternative health practice is hydrotherapy which is the use of hot and cold water. So by you taking a shower you should be dead according to your statements. I don't know of anyone who has died from taking a shower or bath. Maybe youre still stuck in elizabethean era ie... no baths.
#4 Rockefeller J D who was the man instrumental in closing down alternative health colleges bottled crude oil until 1945. In additiion he never took the alopathic drugs his petro chemical industry produced. IN fact he said he attributed his longevity to VEGETARIANISM AND HOMEOPATHY. hmmm thats funny the guy developing the drugs never took them himself what did he know that you don't.
#5 All alopathic drugs have the MAJOR SIDE EFFECT of the problem they are supposed to GET RID OF. an example Polio
vaccination the MAJOR SIDE EFFECT is POLIO, BETA BLOCKERS the side effect is HEART ATTACK AND STROKE, PROZAC side effect
Depression and psycotic(sp) breaks.
Tombstone get your head out of the grave before you are really dead.
P.S you can't patent alternative medicine cause its not medicine its food "let your food be your medicine and you medicine food" Hipocrates(sp)NO money in it no hugh profits you can grow your own herbs in the back yard. Wow! hows that for freedom