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Message for Ev....
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Published: 22 y

Message for Ev....

I started this reply, got called away, and when I got back, the thread was 2 miles long.

In regards to the stake burning post ...;-)

That post started tongue in cheek (hence I used my 'evil twin' who posted satire over here). It just ended up taking on a life of it's own.

Maybe this can bring us all to a closer understanding...

Underneath any of the Christian/ non Christian exchanges burns the question in most *all* the minds of those of us not involved your brand of Christianity (conservative, ultra conservative, rightwing, fundamentalist, or born again -- whichever) the new *American* Christian mentality -- is that there is a pervasive layer of intolerance and exclusivity ....and a righteousness that makes the rest of us that 'don't believe' quite apprehensive. Perhaps you don't see it, but we do. (this is not a slam, I am just telling you how it appears to us)

We see our leaders spouting scripture and going off to war (claiming God is on their side, and right is on the side of America). The 'others' are evildoers, are Satanic (Billy Graham Jr.), are really less than people. Therefore we can go kill them. (they call it liberate, however, how can we 'liberate' them when they're dead?) ;-)

We see Christians becoming radically more and more political murdering abortion doctors, working feverishly to remove the 'separation of church and state' in this country.... promoting all kinds of 'their' style of Christian values as a political agenda...

Is the ultimate plan the erosion of personal freedoms and a Christian religious state here in America? .. one that is just as intolerant in it's own way as Islam is in theirs? Some think it is, and quite frankly, it is a frightening prospect.

Christians have a lousy record of tolerance. Look at our history. Not as bad as Islam, but fundamental Christianity is not as pervasive and in control over here -- yet. If it was, it would scare the pants off me.

This is our concern -- not 'what' you believe, but how 'what you believe' will be used to eliminate the freedom to choice for all of us in America. You are caught in the Christian agenda, and are probably all warm and fuzzy with it.... and I'm sure agree with it .... however many people see your new Christian right as a dangerous movement towards narrow-mindedness and intolerance.

And people have a tendency to strike out at your beliefs because of that. So there is lots of snipping at you guys.

Anyway... I'm sure you think that the road America is going down with the new 'Christian agenda' is OK as you're a dedicated Christian, but it isn't for the rest of us.

Hence, the misunderstandings.

(Then there is the American Christian's justifying of war and killing ... but that is another can of worms I shan't get into here)

I have put this as reasonably and unimpassioned as I can.





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