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George's little clone...
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George's little clone...

" After the tragic events of Sept. 11th, my then eleven -year-old son said Terrorism is a war of them against us and if you're not one of us, then you're one of them."

She gave birth to a George Bush clone... imagine that!

Of course were this actually a war of freedom, she might have a leg to stand on, however it is a war to further the political agenda of Washington.

If these people want to go die so George Bush and his cronies can grab more money and power, I am sorry for them. Sorry they haven't got the intelligence or the perception to see they are expendable pawns in a game of expansionist murder.

If Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney were on the front lines with the troops, then at least you couldn't impinge their cowardice for this charade of murder they are about to launch. They wouldn't be cowardly chicken-sh*ts -- only very wrong.

However, they send others to fight and die to do their American corporate/imperialist dirty work.

And they have these gung-ho military supporters ready to go and happily die for the almighty dollar and the coming police state.

Sad, sad, sad....

Reminds me of the brown shirts in Germany in 33-34. When their leaders were rounded up and ordered shot by Hitler, (who needed his private thug squad disbanded to placate the German Military and get them 'onboard'), many went to the firing squads yelling 'Hiel Hiltler' (the same Hitler that had just ordered them executed)


I have nothing against the military. If it makes them feel better to believe this is a battle for freedom, let them think that. Truth is the first thing that goes in time of war. However when the soldiers discover it is simply another Viet Nam, (if they live that long) perhaps they will wake up. I just wonder then if they'll ever be able to get the bad taste out of their mouths.

What a topsy turvy world we live in....



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