Censorship on these forums...
I usually don't do this on other forums... however, since the
Webmaster here has started threatening and is now deleting my posts, I'll link the following... (for as long as THIS post stays up)....
I have grown fond of the repartee here, so if I'm pushed off these forums, I'll leave my calling card.
(God, I dislike censorship...)
I run a small (mostly private) Political forum which actually lives peacefully next to a Christian forum. The Christians there are very devout and articulate, (and even when things get heated it is still mostly respectful). By and large those folks don't 'advocate' war and killing and we have had many educational debates over there -- something you can't seem to do here.
Frankly, I was take aback by the lack of any meaningful 'discussion' and blatant war stance of the people here. It just seemed so un-Christian to me. So I said so.
I have certainly been busted for my opinions here.... ;-)
Anyway, if anyone wants to visit, please come by. The pace is much slower, as there aren't near as many people posting. However, the topics are interesting....
Wizardnet Forums