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Stand Up Against Tyranny
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Stand Up Against Tyranny

Strength in Unity: Ignore the Scripts, Look for the Facts

By Kevin Newsom

It’s interesting to see how people divide themselves, how they isolate themselves from one another, so as to feel like they are part of a special group. Of course, it isn’t a trait that only belongs to people. This is an instinct that is common with many members of the animal kingdom. The beasts that we watch on nature shows typically travel and live together within the confines of a group system. These instincts ultimately help the species survive, fostering competition for food, water, mating, etc. A strong community of these animals will be more likely to achieve these most basic goals of survival.

The process is not flawless, however. If a pack of wolves or pride of lions begins to constantly battle amongst themselves very little will be accomplished. Imagine a continual power struggle between dominant males (or females). There would be no time for hunting, no time for mating, no time for training young members basic survival skills, and, eventually, the group would wither and fade away. It is no different for humans.

For people to survive and flourish, they must live in a community that is, in broad terms, moving in the same direction. There must not be constant turmoil and upheaval in order for a society to move forward. Yet that is what’s happening in America today. Politically, we are aligned with one of two “sides” of a political spectrum that consists of left and right. We are instructed via the media and popular culture that these two groups should be at constant battle with each other, and that is what happens. Constant bickering about any and all issues facing our nation is what we see on television, hear on the radio, and read on the net. So follows the discussion at the dinner table and the water cooler. Instead of taking stances based on belief systems, we have been programmed to go into a sort of default state based on our party membership. So, when an issue is placed on the table such as illegal immigration, we don’t have to think or truly discuss anything. All we have to do is refer to our party’s script, and prepare to war with the person who belongs to the other side, who thus holds the “opposite” view.

The purpose of this system is to absorb feelings of hostility towards a bloated and out of control bureaucracy. Instead of protesting the latest encroachment on Constitutional Rights at the capitol, the people will simply blame the democrats or republicans while sitting in front of the television. Apathy is just one effect of this horrid creation. This so-called two party system also eliminates the vast majority of original thought, as potential great thinkers are funneled to the scripts of the left or right, and rarely conceive ideas of their own. Countless more are so cynical and jaded by what they rightly perceive to be a broken and inefficient means of government that they simply give up. Between all the yelling and screaming and arguing, many are unable or unwilling to notice that our nation is undergoing several unpleasant changes. The bureaucratic two-party containment system isn’t all-powerful, however.

Many find themselves outside the political matrix, and find peace of mind is waiting there. It’s as if they rise above all the turbulence that fills the airwaves, it’s as if the people have decided to seek the truth. Cities from all across America are contributing to the movement to move America forward, out of the doldrums of republican/democrat arguments. Countless city councils have adopted resolutions that affirm support for the Constitution, and deny the need for bills that destroy freedom, such as the Patriot Act(s). Many more Americans are finding sites like, where the real current events are discussed and looked at more closely. As more people wake up to the fact that the false left-right paradigm only wastes time and distracts us, the better our country will be. This symbolizes the power of the citizens of the United States to right the ship, and begin to steer the course. To unify our society behind American ideals and virtues is to strengthen it. And strengthening our nation should be the highest priority for every American.

It is for this reason that all those who wish to see our wonderful country remain a bastion of hope for the world should work for what ideals and values they share. It is time to put aside petty differences. It’s time to stop worrying about if someone wears a suit and tie or a T-shirt and sandals. It’s time to save America! Those who believe in the basic freedoms given to us by God and enumerated by the Constitution must continue to come together. By taking a firm stand against tyranny at home and abroad, we will all benefit. By tuning out the phony arguments on television and actually talking with each other about our loss of freedom, we all have much to gain. Then we may eliminate this unnecessary turmoil of “left and right” and begin tackling issues without reading from a script. By doing this, we will have a better, stronger, and more capable America, which is truly ready for the challenges of the 21st century.


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