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"The Conspirators: Men Against God"
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"The Conspirators: Men Against God"

"The Conspirators: Men Against God": A Review - Part One

By Mary Louise

"Conspiracy Theory", the 1997 movie with Mel Gibson brings tears to my eyes no matter how many times it is watched. Though the title is meant to be taken facetiously, many people have naively concluded that anytime "conspiracy" is mentioned, it is only based on a theory. Theories are the basis for many great discoveries, which then becomes a fact and therefore no longer a theory. One must understand the philosophical groundwork ofthe global conspiracy, in order to make sense of what is happening in the daily news. There are two fundamental views of history; events happen by chance in the "accidental view" of history, or events have occurred by design in the "conspiratorial view" of history. There is a vast amount of factual documentation and writings to substantiate the latter view, which is also supported by the Bible and in fact, it is a preposterous lie (or ignorance) to say there is no conspiracy.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines theory as; systematically organized knowledge applicable in a relatively wide variety of circumstances, especially a system of assumption, accepted principles, and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena.

Historian, author, and lecturer Ralph Epperson proves in his 1988 series "Secrets of History" that the "Conspiratorial View" is rational and correct, by showing how the conspirators are acting according to a secret master plan to bring the world to a global, Godless system of dictatorial government called the New World Order and how an international Conspiracy planned the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and the Vietnam and Korean wars. He quotes FDR, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

A rare and important book by John Steinbacher called "The Conspirators: Men Against God", copyrighted in 1972 by Orange Tree Press, Inc., is still relevant today and has not received the attention it deserves. There are a few used copies available through Barnes and Noble. It is dedicated by the author, to his mother and father who escaped tyranny in Europe and to all the "little people" in America, who refuse to bow their necks to the boot of tyranny. This article will summarize each chapter, with the intention of condensing parts of it without changing the meaning of original content, although it will not be possible to mention everything of importance that is actually in the book.

On the title page there is a definition of "conspiracy", which is an act of conspiring for an evil purpose; to plot; intrigue; machination; a combination of persons, usually secret, for evil purposes or unlawful ends; to make an agreement in secret. My dictionary defines Conspiracy as; an agreement to perform together an illegal, treacherous, or evil act. A combining or acting together, as if by evil design. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or to accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action. Synonyms of Conspiracy are plot, machination, collusion, intrigue, and cabal.

John Steinbacher writes in the preface that for too long American patriots have concentrated on symptoms instead of the essential cause of the problem, which is one of philosophy. Maintaining that man is important as an individual because he is a child of God, he goes on to explain that under Communism, man is a neutral being who can be manipulated by changing his environment, since he is a child of the state and not of God. Once the Humanist concept replaces the Biblical view of man, it becomes easy to implement a radical change in society through a vast bureaucracy. The battle must be fought in the philosophical arena, in the world of ideas. The struggle is over man's concept of his own nature.

There are eleven chapters including the appendix, conclusion, and index. In order to satisfactorily share this book with you, the length of this article cannot be avoided and will need to be written in at least two parts, so be forewarned and get yourself a cup of chamomile tea or something to sip on and relax while reading.

Chapter One, One More Year of Grace: Someone is not only tampering with the soul of America but with soul of the whole world and John Steinbacher tells us who, right out of the horse's mouth or book by Carroll Quigley, "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time", when he told the American people it was too late to struggle against the tightening noose and to just relax and take what comes. As an insider, Quigley doesn't call the takeover of the world by an elite few what it is, enslavement, but rather a blessing of no more wars and social unrest and also informs us that the centers for world revolution are in the towers of Manhattan and Wall Street banking establishments (not Peking, Moscow, or Havana), with properly educated tycoons such as the Brooks Brothers barons of International Finance, as the real forces behind the world revolutionary movement.

Under Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White, was identified as a Soviet Agent by J. Edgar Hoover who warned President Truman, who then turned around and still promoted White to the head position on the International Monetary Fund of the United Nations.

The British Intelligence Digest refers to the personages behind the scenes as "Force X", while a leading trial lawyer by the name of General Clyde Watts called some of the activities of Force X the "Fourth Dimensional War", to psychologically destroy the ability of Americans to defend themselves. Quigley ridicules the middle class, who thinks they can preserve their constitutional and property rights, as well as expressing contempt for those who concluded the Communist conspiracy was the real center of collectivized conspiracy. Force X is made up primarily of the International banking elite and other industrialists they created. Quigley states that the bankers of the world established a secret network of power, fed and nurtured by enormous quantities of money, by pandering to man's most vicious vices.

Quigley even names the early banking families that established this network which includes the dynasties of Rothschild, Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Schroder, Seligman, Speyers, Mirabaud, Mallet, Fould, and Morgan. The purpose of the International Bankers, was to keep governments from controlling their own money supply, because whoever controls the money controls the people, through private businesses such as the fraudulent Federal Reserve that provides staggering profits for a small group (the rich get richer as the poor get poorer). Quigley has stated in his book, "The influence of these business leaders was so great that Morgan and Rockefeller groups acting together, or even Morgan acting alone, could have wrecked the economic system of the nation........When these two co-operated, as they generally did, they could influence the economic life of the country to a large degree and could almost control its political life, at least on the Federal level."

Note: the Fed fears the population will become aware of this fraud and demand change. Rep. Louis T. McFadden said, "The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the National debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the National debt several times over."

Some of the prominant Insiders, to whom Quigley refers to in his book are as follows; Paul Warburg, Max Warburg, Felix Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Kuhn-Loeb, Sen. Nelson Aldrich, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Frank Vanderlip, A. Piatt Andrew, Benjamin Strong, Bernard Baruch, Col. Edward House (manipulated President Woodrow Wilson into supporting the Federal Reserve Act), John Ruskin, Cecil Rhodes (South African diamond king), Cornelius Vanderbilt, Walter Lippman, Andrew Carnegie, John K. Fairbank, Alger Hiss, Alfred Milner (established Round Table groups that spawned the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute for International Affairs in England), Nelson and David Rockefeller, Dean Acheson, Henry Kissinger, Henry Cabot Lodge, Arthur Burns (chairman of Federal Reserve Board), J. Robert Oppenheimer, Robert McNamara, John Dewey, Sen. J. William Fullbright, and Gen. George Marshall who said, "As Chief of Staff I armed 39 anti-Communist divisions (in China), now with a stroke of my pen I disarm them."

Mr. Steinbacher has a lot to say, which is difficult to capture in a few paragraphs much less a few sentences. He says that people must challenge their oppressors in terms of the United States Constitution (not the United Nations Charter), stop accepting tyranny by government decree, refuse to surrender one inch of God given prerogatives to political chicanery, and bind elected rulers down with the chains of the Constitution. Most people are not aware that Title 18, Section 241 of the United States Criminal Code makes it possible for any citizen to arrest a public official when that official conspires with one or more others, to violate the citizen's constitutional rights. That same under-exercised authority can be found in Section 4 and Section 1001 of the Criminal Code. The people of this land need not settle for a feudal system or futile future, if God in His Infinite mercy gives us one more year of grace.

Chapter Two, World Government Plot: There is nothing new about people wanting to rule the world, many tyrants have come and gone and this passion for conquering is still with us. Communism is only one tool of a much bigger master plot and it doesn't matter who is appointed to run various governments, because they are merely tools of the monied powers (thieves that hoard wealth stolen from the people).

On November 22, 1910, a large crowd of newspaper reporters bustled around Hoboken Railway Station in New Jersey, having gotten word that some highly important men from New York were coming to that out-of-way station, to secretly board a car headed to an unknown destination on an unknown mission. As Senator Nelson Aldrich entered the front entrance, he seemed shocked to to see the reporters who gathered around. He had returned some months earlier, from being wined and dined by Europe's money barons on a very costly two year tour, as the head of the International Monetary Commission set up by Congress to calm irate public feelings, after the national economic panic of 1907. The commission had been charged with making studies of monetary practices before setting up banking and currency reform legislation and he had not yet reported to Congress. With Aldrich was A. Piatt Andrew, a professional economist and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury who had traveled with the commission as "Special Assistant". The reporters demanded to know what was going on, as Aldrich and company pushed their way through to a private car at the end of the train and closed the shades.

Then as it happened, more prominant bankers entered the station; Frank Vanderlip, President of National City Bank of New York, who represented Rockefeller's oil interests and Kuhn-Loeb's banking and railroad interests, Henry Davison, senior partner of J.P.Morgan Company, and Charles Norton, President of Morgan's First National Bank. These three very wealthy men had been publicly accused on more than one occasion, of being the dominant force behind a small coterie of men who controlled the entire economic system of America. The reporters were told that they were just going away for a quiet weekend rest in the country.

Shortly, a top partner of Kuhn-Loeb, Paul Warburg, appeared at the station. Warburg's family banking house, the M.M. Warburg Company in Hamburg, was the German representative for the Rothschild European banking family. Paul Warburg was all for setting up a central banking system in the United States, similar to those in Europe. He was accompanied by Benjamin Strong, who had a reputation as a ruthless man who worked for and obeyed the orders of J.P. Morgan, during the 1907 money panic created by Morgan to wipe out the competition in the shipping, iron, and banking industries. They didn't say anything either, so the newsmen stood in the swirling snow and watched the strange midnight departure of the train.

Three years later, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and it was found out six years later, the mysterious bankers on the midnight train were headed for a Georgia island appropriately called Jekyl, where they met at an isolated hideaway, the Jekyl Island Club ( J.P. Morgan hunt club). This event was conducted in such secrecy that the regular servants were given leaves of absence, as a whole new group of attendants were brought in under the condition, the identity of the group would be kept absolutely secret.

The exclusive meeting of the conspirators at Jekyl Island, was for the purpose of planning a whole new banking and currency system for the U.S. and gaining control of all capital and credit through the Federal Reserve System, which is essentially a totalitarian central bank scheme to enrich the private owners enormously. Passage of Warburg's sneaky Central Bank system, meant that the power to regulate money passed from the legislative branch and the system of checks and balances were destroyed (Article I of the U.S. Constitution; Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof).

The International Banksters substituted instant paper money credits in place of the gold standard and the money masters collect interest on the national debt at an astronomical rate. The IMF was set up in 1944, at a meeting in Bretton Woods under the guidance of proven Soviet spy Harry Dexter White and socialist Lord Maynard Keynes along with Lauchlin Currie, Frank Coe, William Ullman, and Nathan Silvermaster, who were later found guilty of being traitors to the United States. Everything dealing with the economic state of the nation (inflation, depression, etc.) is engineered from within the Federal Reserve System.

Chapter Three, The New Fascists: Hitler's Germany was run by a ruthless combination of big business and big central government, commonly called National Socialism, much like the giant super-corporations of today that exert immense control over the government of the United States. The Humanist religion of Hitler is the same "religion" that is now the ideology and philosophy of tax supported public schools. Refugees from Nazi Germany have warned of a certain affinity between Fascism and "liberalism" which isn't liberalism at all, rather it is a statist ideology with strong totalitarian overtones.

Hitler's rise to power brought agricultural controls, control of the Media, legislation by decree, revenue sharing, wage and price freezes, control of family income, high property taxes, state control of the police (SS troopers), gun registration and subsequent confiscation of all firearms, registration of every person in police files, mandatory service for all males, racial conflicts, state run youth camps used for genetic breeding purposes, sterilization of the "genetically unfit", and imprisonment or worse for anyone who criticized the State. "Naziism and Communism are basically the same", said Adolph Hitler on Feb. 5, 1941.

Ratification of the Genocide Treaty would take America into a totalitarian state, aiming at the divisive nature of people and pitting one group against another, in order to divide and conquer. It sets up the machinery that would allow treasonous anti-Americans, to condemn true patriotic Americans to trial by a world court and long imprisonment or death. Only a National Government has the power to commit "genocide", which is the killing of an entire race of people. Because of the inherent dangers of this treaty, it was not signed by Reagan and ratified by the U.S. until 1988. To find out the details on why it is so bad if you haven't already, please take the time to read further.....

Though the American brand of liberal has always been neo-fascistic in philosophy, it was left to Richard Nixon to make Fascism a state ideology when he lumped a whole batch of executive orders together in 1969, under the title "Executive Order 11490, assigning emergency preparedness functions to federal departments and agencies". Under this order, the President would have virtually limitless power over all aspects of American life, by simply declaring that a state of emergency exists.

Chapter Four, Academic Plotters: Conspirators come in many disguises to fool the unwary and lure them into baited traps, such as when Judas conspired with Roman soldiers to betray Jesus with a kiss and when the Senators conspired to murder Julius Caesar. The "father" of American education, John Dewey, plotted to take over the school system to make it the vehicle for his anti-God revolution. The Fabian Society had infiltrated the institutions of the west, with the poisonous doctrines of Karl Marx and the French Revolution, to gradually convert England and America to a socialist system, linking the political order and the public school system. Humanism is fanatical and in effect says there is no God or moral absolutes, a perfect religion for the new scientific age, since it is said parents really don't know much about rearing their own children and should leave it to the experts, the godless disciples of Moloch.

John Steinbacher also wrote "The Child Seducers" and discusses some of it in this chapter. He elaborates on sex education and the assault of p 0 r n o g r a p h y in the public schools, to tear down social family structures and values, in order to create a horde subculture. Dewey said, "The individualistic man is a victim of an unnamed form of insanity and only the collectivist man is sane." Dewey and his followers set about to create a constitutional breakdown and historic catastrophic decline and decay of Western society. Oh yes, the conspirators are after our children, their souls, and their bodies. It is up to us to protect them, if we don't, who will?

The following chapter will bring this review to a close, be sure to check next Monday for Part Two and/or go to the Infowars and Prison Planet archives to catch up on past articles you may have missed. Also, may I urge you to research the Federal Reserve racket, which is the greatest modern day con-job ever pulled on mankind by the establishment elite, by starting with the following important information:

Chapter Five, The Great Prison Conspiracy: Hardcore felons and murderers were released and armed by the Bolsheviks in Russia to make war on the populace, as were the leading terrorists of Hitler's goon squads. While the average person would hestitate to pick up arms and start shooting even in self-defense, most felons who are desperate with nothing to lose, would not hesitate to use force against the citizenry. Because most law officials have traditional principles of honor and discipline, the local police generally cannot be trusted to carry out nefarious plots, so fascist/communist regimes need to arm felons to consolidate their power while disarming law abiding people. The ready-made army is locked behind bars for now, seething in hatred and being primed through revolutionary rhetoric and literature, to move at the "right" time.

There is an all out effort at many different levels at the present time, to destroy the autonomy of local police through bribes from the federal level under the guise of upgrading the police. Those working on the federal level on the scheme of having a national police force, would rather move into an era when they could have a world police force, as it would make controlling the masses much easier. Since no police state can exist for long without policing powers, it is imperative for those in power to set up a federal police responsible only to the President. Political boundaries must also be changed into Metro Regions instead of states and this regionalization is taking place, under the guise of making the federal government more responsive to the people. When public disorder is fanned to a high enough pitch, there will be many Americans demanding the federal police force to put down the revolt and many citizens will then be rounded up and sent to camps.

Sixty miles west of Washington, D.C., on the border of Clarke and Landoun counties in Virginia, there is a highly secret installation called Mount Weather that is referred to by the locals as the Little Pentagon or Underground White House. On Route 601, hidden within the hollowed out Blue Ridge Mountains except for camouflaged surface buildings and a heliport, is the shadow government that will control the United States in the event of nuclear attack or uprising against those who are selling the nation down the river. Key figures would be flown there to seal themselves safely inside their fortress, an underground military city with offices, residences, hospitals, underground lake, its own power supply, a radioactive decontamination center, and two entrance tunnels protected by doors weighing 34 tons that take fifteen minutes to close. The installation sits like a beacon in the darkness of night, dotting the top of the mountain with bright landing and navigation lights.

Chapter Six, Rockefeller: Conspirator.......To be continued........


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