I was surprised that nobody noticed (or reported) that George W Bush mispronounced nuclear several dozen times while speaking of Korea in his last major press talk to the nation.
I listened to an ad for a History channel program all week where Bush Jr. mispronounced nuclear once again. New-Cue-Ler is what he said over and over.
I also watched clips where he pronounced subliminal as subliminable not once but several times (in true Dan Quayle fashion)
"I don't think we need to be subliminable about the differences between our views on prescription drugs."-- Orlando, Fla., Sept. 12, 2000
There is a reason people call him a moron, it's sad to say.
George W Bush Jr. isn't very bright. Unfortunately for us, just smart enough to be dangerous. His Daddy and Dick Cheney are the real power behind the presidency anyway.