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Re: Snappy answers to stupid remarks about the War!
mike Views: 1,916
Published: 22 y
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Re: Snappy answers to stupid remarks about the War!

Snappy answers to to right wing Neo nazis (ooopps to conservative christians who want to rule the world through force)
To quote the most famous Nazi of all "if you tell a lie long enough people will belive it"
Just look in your own books published in the United States and you will find out that Prescott Bush the grandpa of junior aided and abeted the Nazis in world war two. Henry kisinger said "the greatest threat to Amercian security is world overpopulation". Finally to put the nails in the coffin Nixion made special laws so that x ss members could retire peacefully in the Untited States. If that isnt bad enough George Bush said in an address to the Untied Nations "Americans in the future will swear alligence to the United Nations" How Dumb can people get? The last wars have been financial wars (vietnam, Korea etc) now the wars are becoming idealogy wars Bush junior said himself we would like to "restructure the entire middle east". Meanwhile back at the ranch,the Bushes own large holdings in pharmacutical companys. In the state of the Union address Bush wants to give away 10-15 billion of U.S tax payers money to give Africa AZT drugs. Oh what a wonderful man you say, ahhh if it were only the truth statistics show that people die faster if you use azt drugs that nothing at all. In otherwords it kills people faster and guess who gets alot of the profit well I just let you think about that for awhile. Guess where most of the pharmacutical companys came from? hey the end of ww2 when the germans had to dump their billions somewhere. Merk sharp and dome came from this ere and standard oil owned by non other that John D Rockefeller that famous American industralist who sold crude oil as an elixer until the mid 1940's. Standard oil provided fuel for both the Americans and the Nazis!! how 's that for you history buffs ? are we beginning to see the picture of corruption here?


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