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Hey, Danny!
stofurz Views: 2,355
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 433,953

Hey, Danny!

I really don't know where anyone is from, on this forum. I just know that it is filled with all manner of Anti-Bush, anti-Americanism. It seems like an awful lot of repeated propaganda from the hate america left, and from Conspiracy theory sites. I don't discount all of the stories about America and Bush, that the forumers present, but I believe that they are extremists in their views. America is not perfect, and I don't have a problem with pointing out it's faults and making changes for the better, but this forum goes beyond pointing out faults. It goes right to the extreme of making America and Bush out to be evil. They want us to believe that Bush is practically a Satanist and Hitler's equivalent ( basically parroting the Hollywood peaceniks). That is so much nonsense, that I can hardly believe that human beings can be so gullible. You would think that they would get a clue when Martin Sheen, the leftist, fake President of TV fame holds the same views as they do.


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