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Re: Why don't you join John, and Lapis in the Ignoring Dept.
Wheelslip Views: 1,787
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 433,870

Re: Why don't you join John, and Lapis in the Ignoring Dept.

stofurz - Wow! How do you expect to win an intellectual argument with this
outburst? You've got the energy... point it in a direction that wins others
to your point of view. You are only confirming what we liberals believe about
you Nazis. Convince us that the Shrub cares about the working class. Don't
close our minds in the first sentence of your post. Explain to me why my son
and son-in-law (both active duty officers) should die for the likes
of Enron, Chevron and Halaberton. Quit quoting "chicken hawks!"
Is it the "rapture" location we're fighting for? Is it the 2004 election?
Quit copying and pasting. Tell me what "you" think. "I was just following
orders," is a well-worn phrase and holds little water. Peace...



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