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"Human Shields" run home crying.
stofurz Views: 335
Published: 22 y

"Human Shields" run home crying.

With Carl Limbacher and Staff
For the story behind the story...
Monday, March 3, 2003
'Human Shields' Run Home Crying

It turns out those "human shields" who claimed they'd protect Saddam Hussein's genocidal dictatorship are about as brave as a Frenchman in a foxhole: They're running home to their cushy lives in Europe as fast as their skinny legs can carry them.

Citing "safety issues" (duh!), up to a dozen British appeasement activists have fled Iraq, with only a dozen Brits left there, the London Sunday Telegram reported, along with other assorted Eurotrash and a sprinkling of American leftists. About 70 appeasers out of approximately 200 to 250 in Baghdad have already scurried away, John Freeman, a leader of the "human shields," said today.

"We believe that a mass migration to Iraq has not occurred. We don't have thousands of people here. We have hundreds, which is different," would-be "human shield" Gordon Sloan whined to BBC.

"I don't think we have the numbers in Baghdad to be an effective deterrent," he boo-hooed.

By the way, these peaceniks are gas-guzzling hogs just like most comfy leftists: They squandered fuel all the way from London to Baghdad in two double-decker buses. If there is a war and Iraq's oil is seized, they'll have plenty of fuel for their other hypocritical protests, perhaps against SUVs next time.

Even other members of the appeasement movement are disgusted at the "human shield" useful idiots. Maria Ermanno, chairman of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, noted that Iraqi officials were arranging transportation, accommodations and propaganda events for the "human shields."

"To go down to Iraq and live and act there on the regime's expense, then you're supporting a terrible dictator. I think that method is entirely wrong," she told Swedish Radio.



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