'Hate-America Leftists' Lead the Appeasement Movement
'Hate-America Leftists' Lead the Appeasement Movement
Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003
See part one of series, "Useful Idiots: Marxists Exploit the Appeasement Movement."
WASHINGTON – America-haters ran the recent appeasement demonstrations. These longtime enemies of America are collaborating with radical Islamists who want to kill Americans. That fact belies the mainstream media's portrayal of "soccer moms," veterans, Democrats, Republicans, and other ordinary Americans as reflecting grassroots anger at President Bush’s policies in Iraq.
Workers World Party (WWP), which organized the demonstrations, is ideologically aligned with the Stalinist nation of North Korea. This tiny Marxist-Leninist group is behind A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), with which former LBJ Attorney General Ramsey Clark is involved.
David Horowitz, author of “The Hate America Left,” tells NewsMax this organization has been around since the late 1950s.
He believes the majority of the demonstrators were manipulated by hard-line Marxists, not by Mom and Pop America.
Herbert Romerstein, who spent years of his professional life as a security official in the legislative and executive branches of the government, says WWP provided the people who stuffed the envelopes, made the arrangements, dealt with the logistics, provided the transportation and, most importantly, controlled who got to speak at the rallies.
Anyone not supporting the propaganda purposes of Marxist dogma was not allowed to speak to the crowd.
“If somebody hadn’t done it for them [the demonstrators], they wouldn’t be out there,” he told NewsMax. “The Workers World provides the opportunities for these people to get out and demonstrate.”
Reed Irvine’s Accuracy in Media, in a paper bluntly titled “Communists Run Anti-War Movement,” reports that the networks and metropolitan dailies ignored communist banners prominently displayed at the site of the Washington demonstration.
The usual suspects were there: Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, Progressive Labor Party, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, World Socialist Website, Cuba Solidarity, Spartacist League, Revolutionary Communist Party USA, and radical Muslim and pro-Palestinian organizations.
When ex-communist Horowitz considers these groups and others that participated, he concludes in his NewsMax interview that “the vast majority” of demonstrators have supported America’s enemies for years, and in some case “their parents before them.”
'The Fascistic Left'
“This is the fascistic left,” Horowitz adds, “anti-Semitic, anti-American, and dedicated to establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
There are “useful idiots” or dupes who have fronted for this nation’s enemies.
Ramsey Clark is a perennial in this role. (It was learned Tuesday that CBS was granted its Dan Rather interview with Saddam Hussein after Rather’s good friend Clark “put in a good word” for him with the Iraqi dictator.)
Romerstein says Clark has collaborated with WWP activists John Catalinotto and Sarah Flounders in their apologia for Slobadon Milosevic.
Horowitz identifies United for Peace and Justice as a part of the coalition that was behind the New York demonstration. That group, he says, is headed by Leslie Cagan, “a '60s Stalinist ... pro-Castro, of course. She ran an organization that did the propaganda for the Cuban gulag.”
Not a Bit 'Liberal'
Adds ex-communist Horowitz in our interview: “It’s time for conservatives to stop calling these people liberals. They are leftists, and they are hate-America leftists.
"And when your country is under attack, as ours is, you can’t have a peace movement. You can only have an appeasement movement, and a movement to betray your own country.”
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