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Reaffirming Freedom
Lapis Views: 442
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Reaffirming Freedom

Resolution passed in Castle Valley, Utah
by Carl • Thursday February 20, 2003 at 09:26 AM

A Resolution Reaffirming the Town of Castle Valley's Commitment to Civil Liberties

Passed unanimously by the Town Council on February 19, 2003

Whereas, the Town of Castle Valley has a history of protecting the civil rights and civil liberties of it's residents; and

Whereas, the Town of Castle Valley houses a small population, including students, working people, and non-citizens, whose contributions to the community are vital to its character and function; and

Whereas, the Town of Castle Valley is committed to upholding the human rights of all persons in Castle Valley and their free exercise and enjoyment of any and all rights and privileges secured by our constitution and laws of the United States, the State of Utah, and the Town of Castle Valley, and

Whereas, effective means of ensuring the security of our people must be balanced against the reductions in basic civil liberties; and

Whereas, several actions recently taken by the federal government, including the adoption of the USA Patriot Act, several Executive Orders, and the Homeland Security Act may allow the federal government, when pursuing matters of security, to sacrifice fundamental liberties protected by due process and "probable" cause including freedom of speech, assembly, and privacy; the right to legal counsel and due process in judicial proceedings; and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures; all of which are guaranteed by the constitutions of Utah and the United States; and

Whereas, national responses to extremist threats can be both effective in reducing such threats and still respect our Constitution's most basic and treasured freedoms:


Section 1. That the Town of Castle Valley, acting in the spirit and history of our community, hereby requests that:

1. All Town Departments continue their strong commitment to preserve residents' freedom of speech, religion, assembly and privacy; the right to counsel and due process in judicial proceedings and the protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.
2. Any federal or state law enforcement officials acting within the Town of Castle Valley work in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Town of Castle Valley and when cooperating with Town Departments, continue to guarantee the fundamental constitutional rights of all Castle Valley residents.
3. Our Congressional delegation monitor the implementation of the Acts and Orders cited herein and advocate for the protection of fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed by the United States and Utah Constitutions.

Section 2. This resolution shall become effective upon adoption.



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