I totally agree!
Lapis, I know that you a convinced that christianity is flawed but I would encourage you to read a book called "On Route to Global Occupation" by Gary Kah.
It good to know that christians & non-christians alike are waking up to what's really going on.
I the summer of 2001, I started reading article on 2 rather outspoken, fire & brimstone website.
(www.cuttingedge.org & www.lasttrumpetministries.org)
I know that I am easily trusting & so I try to exercise discernment. The thing is that many of the things they spoke about (troubles in the Middle East, North Korea) are starting to happen.
I read articles on the passing of many many executive orders which basically give dictatorial powersto government bodies, & the planned creation of widespread fear so that US citizens will accept a police state.
One rather alarming printed printed a map of how the world had been divided up into areas that were to be 'controlled' by troops from another nation. This was because American troops would find it had to be cruel to their fellow countrymen (which applies to the all counties).
Another spoke of prison facitlies that had no inmates but did have a skeletal staff, waiting for a sudden influx of inmates, perhaps!
Yet another spoke of how a man had taken a job as a truck driver. He was not allowed to look inside the truck. When they arrived at their destination, they were instructed to stay in a particular room until unloading was finished. He pretended to need the bathroom, & manged to sneak a look inside the warehouse. And what do you think he saw?
And another that caught my eye was on lasttrumpetministries.org where this guy had a vision of the Twin Toweres burning, which he actually sent out in a newsletter before it happened (I think it may have bee July or August).
Anyway, I hope you can find some food for thought in all my ramblings!!!