Re: Att: Tracey & others - How do you categorize these stones
Hi shl,
I hope other people will jump in here with more ideas for you, too!
As far as I know only calcified stones turn up on I assume your stones are calcified. Interesting how your stones went from 7mm to 1.7cm to 8mm....I guess the middle 'stone' may have been a couple stones that looked like one?
You have acid-reflux? (heartburn?) Whenever I have that I just take 1 tsp of baking soda in 1/4 cup of water, mix it up and drink it back quickly. This gets rid of the heartburn within a few minutes every time.
How is your diet shl? Acid reflux is telling you that you're eating too many acid-forming foods (grains, flour, pasta, meat, sugar). Eat more vegetables. Also...are you drinking 2 to 3 litres of water a day? It's almost impossible to get reflux when well hydrated. (this will help your constipation too)
When you're ready,
Liver Flushes are in order for you, shl!
*let us know what difference the probiotics make*
Hulda's Liver/Gallbladder Flush