Hi Bob, thank you for answering me. I was just wondering about a few things. O.K., now, I thought Dr. C's heart syrup contained hawthorn? in fact, I just ordered it, and on the label it says ..."fresh wildcrafted hawthorn berries" - so there must be hawthorn in it. So, I don't understand. Does Dr. S's contain it? Is hawthorn supposed to be good for the circulation? I thought it was just to strengthen the heart. You said I should take it with cayenne and raw garlic...did you mean Dr. C's, or Dr. S's? (also, can I take the anti-plage remedy from Dr. C instead of raw garlic?) - and finally, what is BFC? does this break up the clot, or what? if I do the hot/cold thing, what will that do as far as the clot itself is concerned? I mean, I don't want it to move anywhere, - also, a friend told me to use the castor oil paks on it to break it up - is that a good idea?