I used to live near a nucleur factory in another country. I also have a weak system. I have now moved to the US to finish my treatment. Where before I would come to the US begin the treatments and when I am a little better go home to my small kids and continue treatments on my own there.
But I would get repoisioned while pushing metals and it did work for a while, 6 years or more, till I couldn't get my medicines from the US and couldnt travel cause I was so sick.
I couldnt come to the US for three years as I was getting sicker and not able to travel.
I finaly arrived on ambulance flight and now am so full of metals I react to the smallest thing. I was told by my doctors I can't travel yet and not to go back to Pakistan where I was poisioned ever.
I even react when I eat vegetables here from the pesticides, I collapse because my system is so weak and all it does is multiplies the poisions and keep only the bad from anything I eat or am around. So I can't eat vegetables, or fish, or anything and we do not know what I do react to and what not its by trial and error food wise.
I do not retain any minerals or vitamins only poisions. I have to inject myself through the port with daily minerals and vitamins and avoid any chelation just to boost my system to be able to function for few hours.
From wheel chair I got to moving a bit few years to three years of bedridden, now here moving but with the most difficult ways. Oxygen, minerals vitamins, what ever it takes to keep going.
I have the highest levels of Uranium now and Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium.
My doctor who saved my life does not treat me now because her husband was being too greedy and charging thousands per day or week.
So I have two new doctors one who does chelation and one who would like to help in anyway. Plus a natural doctor but we do not know which way to go first. And I was told to contact
Dr. Schulze and my doctors will try and follow and work with him towards helping me.
It is very hard now and I honestly need help! My kids have also joined me now and I can't describe to you how hard it is to just be everyday.
I know alot about my condition and nothing at all at times, and the doctors have taught me to take care of myself at home, but we can't just go on like this dealing with ever changing syptoms .
Thank you for your concern and help