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Do you think you can really connect and sense energy from someone you've never met?
ayehasherayeh Views: 3,203
Published: 20 y
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Do you think you can really connect and sense energy from someone you've never met?

Do you think you can really connect and sense energy from someone you've never met?

And how can you tell the difference between sensing some kind of energy or just a tone(?) or a general feeling from a conversation?

If this makes any sense. Maybe someone kind of knows what I mean maybe and can comment.

My comments would be thusly:
Yes one can really connect and sense energy from someone you've never met.

My observations would be thusly: Although I have been physically exposed to great amounts of people in my lifetime I have mostly sensed superficial qualities. I tend to be very sensitive and can pick up signals which can be very disturbing in person. This sensitivity however is somehow refined and clear when I am able to step back and allow the intuitions to flow. I found I was able to do this with great ease and naturalness and I feel certain souls calling me and can pick them out as if by radar.

Telling the difference between sensing and some sort of tone is difficult at first as in non-physical presence you do not have the eye-contact or other subtle cues of body language, it is sometimes unsteady to try to discern what the tone is while conversing with someone in writing. Though I have found it easy by simply allowing and using my intuition. I have a great trust in my intuition and I find that I can open up to anyone I want on a much deeper level than ever. I find that we are all connected and the awareness of this as well as the accompanying level of realization is to the extent that we allow ourselves to "be"

here is an exapmle with Tracey (who ran dreams forum) whom I had met everywhere but in person

and a guy named rek

and J who tells the funniest jokes in the world

and of course can locate the commander of navel seamen,

and has found an appropriate vessel for containing the seamen

Oh yeah and is good at setting up a camping site




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