holding on....as the shift intensifies.....
Holding On
September 19, 2004
Turbulence surrounds us as we continue making our way through this particular phase of our journey into the New World. What may feel like a roller coaster ride, with excessive stress, pressure and a whirlwind of movement is the divine placement of all being put into its rightful niche. As all of the “Old” is finally and REALLY, honestly REALLY being removed in form in the physical, and beginning to show up now in our physical reality, we are, as always, right on track.
There is now no more “glue” for anything other than the light to adhere to. A week or two ago, I went into a nearby grocery store, which had been carrying some energy for a while of grumbling employees and some negativity. Energetically, it felt as though everything had come unraveled. It felt as though there was no energy at all there, and all the people were suspended in some sort of
Science fiction movie, with nothing to keep things together. Very noticeable and pronounced, I can feel it in many places now.
As our process of this Shift Of The Ages began to intensify about four years ago, things began to fall away within us that did not vibrate at the New higher levels we have been integrating. Up until now, there was still some residue of lower vibrational old energy for manifestations in thought and form to adhere to. As this process progressed, and our personal and planetary vibrational levels continued to increase exponentially, there have been less and less of the lower energies remaining to support lower creations. Now, there is virtually no lower vibrational energy left. The light is here. The light is our air and our fuel, our earth and our sky, and anything else has no life support and has no choice but to disappear.
This new energy that arrived after our “decision making” phase was completed, has pushed us into the next phase of creating the New World at the physical level. Businesses are experiencing great financial instability, as the Old ways of money matters, integrity, and Old creations are no longer being supported. People are showing signs of great irritability, unpredictable behavior, and feelings of loss of direction with a bit of apathy, exhaustion, fear and frustration thrown in.
We are literally being pushed into our new niches, and this phase is simply about the removal of the “Old”. Our Old financial systems and methods do not vibrate at New World reality, and they will, then, no longer exist. Relationships that were not meant to be are breaking apart at epidemic rates. The energy of the Old is fleeing at rapid rates, creating a sort of energetic collision in its path and resulting in high emotions, anger and most certainly, hurricanes!
Many are feeling moments of fear and “what if” thinking. “What if I go bankrupt?” “What if I lose my job?” “What if I leave my partner and the new one is worse?” “What if I move and I hate it there?” “What if I have nowhere to live?” “What if my business collapses?” “How will I ever make all these monumental changes?” All of these changes being felt at many levels are creating emotional human beings as well, because after all, we ARE still human beings.
How about this “what if” scenario:
What if the light had a precise and perfectly timed plan, and just needed to wait for the “temperature” to be right?
What if things had to get so-o-o-o bad, so that enough people would notice and then be open to embracing something new?
What if this LONG wait for lightworkers was only long for us, as we have always been aware and awake, and the LONG waiting was only to give EVERYONE enough time to take notice and be ready?
What if our current leaders were cooperating at the highest levels by living this lifetime in great service to humanity, creating great contrast so that enough people would finally begin to take notice that we needed change?
What if the plan of the light included a new form of government and financial structure, giving us all incredible freedom?
What if this plan of the light was poised and ready to help us all through this transition as gracefully and peacefully as possible when most of the Old collapses?
What if there were many light bearers already quietly situated in pivotal decision making places, very aware that this collapse would occur?
What if we were all at a vibrational level now that has readied us for our twin souls, and we could finally experience incredible union and bliss with a partner?
What if that was why our current relationship was ending?
What if the new geographical area we move to is in perfect alignment with how we personally vibrate, and we will LOVE it there, but weren't ready to go there until now?
What if our current careers are ending so that we can really be in our purpose and passion?
What if our businesses are experiencing financial strain because we will no longer have to operate in the Old way of debt, but in joy and ease?
What if we are so tired of the menial tasks and red tape paperwork because they do not match where we are vibrating anymore, we can therefore no longer do them, and they will soon no longer be necessary anyway?
Know that all this is so. (And that, of course, is just my reality).
As the energies are rapidly moving forward, we recently experienced another shift into yet a higher vibration. As the purging of the darker energies began in earnest, we moved into even higher realms vibrationally. This greatly assisted and pushed us into our “repositioning” stages. In the higher vibrations, like energy attracts and is united with like energy even more intensely.
Many are feeling very strong pulls to their “twin souls”. Longstanding relationships that are really not troubled or turbulent are breaking apart simply because of this energy equation. We are reaching the energetic stages of our bliss, of uniting with energy that matches our own vibration much more closely. Some are strongly being drawn to different geographical areas. Others are needing to restructure their businesses or leave current jobs, in order to be in alignment with these New higher vibrations of our emerging New World. All is in order to get us where we belong, in all areas. Our souls are choreographing this placement along with the simple fact of physics.
These are times to be gentle with ourselves, as this is an extraordinary time like no other. We are literally moving from one world into another. Preparing to move to Arizona in a few weeks, I have found myself becoming very emotional. Leaving dear friends here in Asheville, and a beautiful daughter and grandchildren, to move to an area where I know no one, has me, at times, wondering if I know what I am doing! But when I can leave my fears and stay connected to Source, I feel absolute certainty that I am on my right path.
As some things end because they can no longer exist in a New World, others will quickly arrive that carry just the perfect vibration for the New. We are simply experiencing the changes in the physical now. These changes have no choice but to occur, and although they may begin to seem sudden and abrupt, they are just the higher vibrational ways now ready to manifest in form. It is time. We have been longing for this for a very long time.
As much energy and emotional upset may be swirling around us now, it is becoming a bit more difficult to keep our balance, stay centered and not take on the energy of the surrounding situations. Here in Asheville, as we wait for Ivan to arrive today, I have had to turn off any news or reports and just focus on what makes me feel good. Being so sensitive, it is so very easy for me to pick up on all the commotion and dire predictions! (note: Ivan arrived four days ago, but our electricity only “arrived” again today!)
Yes, although it may appear that the world is ending, it is actually a New World beginning and carrying its energy so brightly that everything else falls by the wayside. Just as we had to “die” before we were reborn, our societal, political and numerous other structures have to “die” as well.
Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contribution?
I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,