Re: distinction between religion and spirituality
twas just last wek in conversation, it came to mind that the difference between Spirituality and religion is the fact that religion is our believing in someone elses views and visions for us, which have long ago entrenched itself into (and oft dictated) the what and how we perceive our own reality. Where as spirituality is our own sense of the divine. . .All religions are the product of man's thinking . . you buy my truth or else, while Spirituality, is the women's hear and now sense of truth. Go with the flow. . . sink in silence, getting in touch with your own sense of self. . .and realize, our sense of life is ultimately the product of our our own visions and dreams, rather than anothers. . .no matter how esteemed we see their respective persona in our life. . . Spirituality, is also Native to North America, and like it or not, we are being acclimatized to . .. much like any transplant, adapting to its new found reality, so, like it or not, our spirits are budding from beneath eons of man having ruled the world to women's world budding up and into their sense of self again.