Re: more, more!! :)
heheheh I don't have any scary stories, I never attracted those kind of clients. Luckily! There was another psychic where I worked, a metaphysical bookstore, who got those clients. Whew!
The way I do my sessions is I ask for the birthdate and use numerology to deduce which challenges they chose for this life per Ellin's method. Then I scan their bodies to feel what's going on physically. Then I use the Tarot cards as a way to focus in on what they're creating. If they have someone in their lives who's passed on, then I ask for communication and see what comes.
Since I haven't died yet or had a near-death experience, all I know about the afterlife is what I've read, and I am still a skeptic as some people really are just raving lunatics who just happened to get published.
I loved reading "Far Journeys," by Robert Monroe, I think he really knows what he's talking about. If you really want to blow your mind, read "Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon" by Machaelle Small Wright. She is physically visiting other dimensions while still in this form. She's the one who turned me on to flower essences. She has amazing products and processes to use for health, balancing, etc., in a series of books and videos and tinctures. You can visit her webpage here:
Her processes in the Gardening workbooks are more effective than any Wiccan ritual I've tried. Instant results, seriously.
My favorite book for why we're here is Book 6, "Partnering with God" of the Kryon series. I actually had an experience he describes, of being challenged by fear, moving thru it and experiencing a "vibration flu" afterwards due to my body throwing off old patterns. Weirdest cold I ever got. I still feel like the same ol' foundering blind human, though! LOL! So I don't know how the growth has manifested outwardly yet, if at all. I've definitely resolved my emotional addictions (drama, pot, sex, food binges, workaholic, you name it!), but I've yet to learn how to be productive without that adrenaline/obsession driving me on.