Re: Buddah on Trolls
I am sharing this response that was to a lady in one of my email groups from someone named Stephen. Some Christians were attacking her beliefs which spawned the following response.
I enjoy the insight Stephen has shared.
Chantelle and Simo as well as Kung. These writers are of a school of thought or belief known as Ascensionists. They are intelligent and articulate beings, as a whole, who have touched the Cosmic Consciousness but have filtered their awakening through the screen of their Christian based beliefs about fear, sin, the devil and the eternal war between good and evil. These beings function from a pervasive sense of guilt about all that they are and all that their fellow man is as well.
Their primary principle of belief is that man is essentially evil and must destroy all that is individual within himself so that he might merge with the mind of God in a state of nirvanic absorption. They classify all that man expresses as personality, yet choose to lose themselves in the personality of God. To them, all is evil in this world and man should seek only to leave it. Thus, all that man does cannot be good as it comes from his personality. They continually see evil in their fellow man and
always seek to tell him what he should and should not do. If your beliefs fit into their pigeonhole, they are true. If they do not they are false.
These beings are convinced that they hold the truth, even as some would say all those who believe not in Jesus will suffer in Hell. Whatever you say, no matter how beautiful an expression, they will seek to disallow, diminish and chew upon as evidence that you do not know, as they, and are thus in danger. They see the world as an eternal battle between God and the devil,
not realizing that the only war is that within themselves between their heart and their mind.
They seek to create an environment of fear in which you are to believe in the coming Armageddon and the necessity of following their instructions lest you be lost forever in the fires of Hell. You will find that rather than speak of God's Love and demonstrate the Godlike qualities of humility, compassion, tolerance, detachment from their own viewpoint of God and
even Love, these individuals will generate lengthy quotes, with no reference, and seek to predominate each forum which they enter. They do this by communicating amongst each other and then posting and answering each others posts. This creates the illusion of strong consensus and of their knowing
the absolute truth.
Oftentimes, they warn about one such as I, as a cultist, a recruiter and as a member of a "New Age:" teaching which is rooted in evil. They are quite humorous as they often as well place lengthy articles with no reference about this and that. They seem to have reached an agreement of denial for
all that they are as individuals in their desire to reach union with the concept they hold of God. Unbeknownst to them, they have a degree of truth within their beliefs but have superimposed fear and guilt upon it. Thus, they are like one who sees the mountain top and while at the bottom, decides that all but the top is good, the rest being evil. Hence, they reject the climb and all the intermediate steps of consciousness and in so doing reject
themselves and their fellow man.
These individuals represent a very interesting state of consciousness, one which I find quite intriguing to observe. They see into others, at least this is what they believe, but in truth are seeing their own reflections, the fixated judgments they hold. Thus, they describe others as this or that,
never realizing that they are describing themselves with great
accuracy. My perception of this is that their denial of all that is human has lead them to reject the possibility of moving through their own humanity into the greater consciousness of God.
What I find most interesting is that these individuals do not in any way acknowledge or recognize that God is Here and Now, omnipresent and omnipotent and omniscient. Their is an almost insane logic in one who could possibly believe that anything in creation could actually exist if God did not configure it as such. Yet, please know, that all men hold a facet of the
truth within their own viewpoint of God. None are right and none are wrong for each exists within the human consciousness which cannot contain the entirety of God. Consider that man did create this world as it exists and not God. Yet, consider further that although man configures the out picturing of his world through all that occurs within him, his every thought and feeling, this world is his classroom, for him to learn to govern the
chaos within him by observing it in his outer life
Soul was sent into the worlds of form, the Etheric, Mental, Causal, Astral and Physical Worlds. Man, in turn has bodies corresponding to each of these worlds and with faculties to experience the primary processes that were interstitched within these worlds by God through ITS Coworkers, the Vairagi
ECK Adepts and the Silent Ones. As an example, the Astral World
primarily operates upon feeling and imagination, as man's lesson here is to learn to create with harmony and respect for all other life. Thus, the Astral Body contains within it the sensory faculties of feeling and imagination.
Do you see that man must prepare himself in these Lower World for his ventual entrance into the Higher Worlds of God, where Souls coexist in a form of McWilliams Law, where all particles or Souls randomly move according to their own rhythm without ever hitting or interfering with another. Love is All and Do as You Will is the great Law operating for the great beings who dwell within these worlds. As this world and all the Lower Worlds is a
classroom, so are we students, graded and evaluated upon our progress and allowed to graduate when realizing all that we need to know in order to funcon harmoniously within a world of greater beingness, consciousness and
Can you now see that this is the purpose not only of the Spiritual Hierarchy but of the Vairagi ECK Masters whom I have so often mentioned on these forums. Are any so vain that they would claim to be able to evaluate their own spiritual maturity? Ludicrosity, I tell you as how can a man caught
within the hypnotic trance of Maya or illusion, truly know when he is free. It requires a line of teaching Masters originating within the very Heart of
God, authorized by God and functioning within a Cloak of God
Consciousness so as to protect the spiritual integrity of all Worlds of God. Of course, one who entered prematurely into the Higher Worlds could not remain there as the Law of his own Individuality would preclude him coexisting in harmony
with the operating spiritual principle of that world.
And what of Armageddon, you ask, will these Lower Worlds always exist. I tell you that they will end and that this is the source of all that which is within the primitive Christian teachings and that of the Asensionists. Yet, this is natural and a progression of cycles built within the very framework of what some know as a Day of God or a Kalpa. In approximately 427,000 years, this will again occur. Know this from my heart to yours. If you seek
nothing but to serve God and love God as yourself and thus your fellow man. If you are honest with yourself and at all times ask what would Love do when thinking, feeling or acting. If you hold your fellow man as inviolate as well as yourself. If you know that your freedom ends where another's begins and that to encroach upon your neighbor's space limits your own. If you
hold love in your heart and consider the truth, necessity and kindness of each choice you make. If you sing the holy names for God even as you take each breath and heart beat. If you do all these things in the name of God, for the name of God and by the name of God, you will be as God.
Let not another man awaken fear within your heart nor create for you doubt about God's Love for you exactly as you are even now at this moment of time. Consider carefully that in this classroom, man must conquer within himself all feelings of unworthiness, guilt and abandonment by God. It is vanity that causes a man to feel unworthy and believe that by exorcising himself he
can have God's Love. It is his concept of God's Love that he seeks and that is always driven by vanity. Man must be himself and allow God to awaken within him. It is not man who finds God but God who awakens within man. Omnipresence does not require conditions for God but rather man must establish the conditions within himself whereby he can become aware of that
which already exists within himself.
God created the Lower Worlds so that man would learn to govern the mind that exists within him as a piece of the Mind of God. Man must then drop this mind and surrender it to the Universal Mind. Yet, in so doing, man does not become lost in a no individualized state of permanent bliss and nirvana. No,
when man drops his mind he becomes himself, the true individual, the atom of God, the microcosm of the Macrocosm, the single note of HU emanating from the Voice of God and the Word of God resounding within the universe of all who have the ears to hear. The fear of that which lies beyond the mind and which these individuals see as personality is built in as part of the
"game" free from the low wolds man must first surrender all that
he thinks he is in order to become himself as Soul.
Do not fight that which appears negative, for to do so is to war with illusion. Do you not see that that which you resist governs the movement of your attention and its focus as well? Who among you does not know this principle within even your physical world. Try, I challenge you, to drop an unhealthy habit by resisting it. Do you not know that the secret to transcendence is not to fight with that which binds you but instead to awaken to that which is what opposites have in common. Here within the stillness between two polarities such as good and evil, man will come to
know himself and in so doing will accept the Love of God and realize that all that he has previously seen as negative is but the emanations from himself.
Now man will begin the journey into Self and God Realization, free from fear of the negative, guilt about his spiritual adolescence and judgment about the progress or journey of another. Here, in this state of consciousness, humbled by the majesty of God, man will cease to shout at God about who
he is and begin to listen to the whispers of the still small voice within himself. Here, at the bridge of consciousness, man will meet the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master and be escorted into the coronation of his own Godhood within the microcosm of himself. Here, man will begin to apprentice as a
Coworker with the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, a student master in training and one who himself will one day see the Face of God and return as the Bodhisattva, who out of love for God and his fellow man, will remain in the Lower Worlds to assist those who still struggle on their spiritual journey home to God. Now, as the wandering son returneth home, he and the Father are one and all that he does is in the name of the Father and all
that he is, is the Living Word, the Bible of being in which each who is in his presence is uplifted into the Heart of God.
If you seek to leave this world, know that you must first find God here, for that is why you are here. All men have been given the mission of seeing, hearing and knowing the Word made Flesh who lives among them in their time and their space and not in another. Yet, know that there is no hurry for all is here and now and always will be. Do what you love to do, be whom you love
to be and love God as you choose. In so doing, you will become all that you are, one among many, equally loved by God irrespective of viewpoint and equally the Son of God among all other Sons of God.
No Master stands above you and no student below you, for all life
coexists within the eternal cycle of Giving and Receiving. Do not cast out from your heart the love of one who has become the Saint, because of fear that to accept it implies that you are less than the Saint. It only appears that there is a fountain and a pitcher and a cup. In reality, there is only the Living Waters of God's Love and the container we exist within is only emporary. Blend with the Living Waters and your cup, your pitcher and
your fountain will disappear, merging consciously into the Ocean of God's Love and Mercy. Do you see? The drop that I am and that you are can Itself contain the Ocean even as the Ocean contains the drop.
May your journey be filled with God's Love. If you care to, I would highly recommend four things: (1) Reading "Autobiography of a Modern Day Prophet by Harold Klemp; (2) visiting ; (3) If in the USA, calling
1-800-LoveGod; and (4) and not at all least, learning to sing HU a lovesong to God as a daily expression of love for your Creator. All who hold the
name of God upon their lips, hold it as well within their hearts and in time will come to know this Love as who they are.
In Love with Spirit,
Stephen (Dak976 at Yahoo Messenger)