Edgar Cayce saw "inundation" of California -- rains, flooding as one of the precursor signs of impending earth changes. While he predicted these wld occur in the 1980s (and indeed there were rains at this time acredited to El Nino) the rains at this time are considered "record breaking" as is much of the weather around the globe.
The increasing instability of earth's climate, the warming of the poles, increase in volanic activity, etc. are all signs (according to Cayce) of impending an pole shift. One NASA spokesperson said that our Sun appears to be more active at this time than in 8,000 years. We are currently one year away from a solar minimum. One can wonder if the mimimum is this intense, what will the solar maximum be like? I think it is not a coincidence that the Indonesian Tsunami came after an intense period of solar-earth activity. The solar maximum coincides w/2012 -- the end of the Mayan Great Year.