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Oracles of Sitael
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Oracles of Sitael

Written by Michel Salomon d’Orange

The following is a piece of predictive literature by Michel Salomon d’Orange. Michel’s family originated in France, and he is reputed to be a direct descendant of King Solomon. Michel makes no ardent claims for the definitiveness of the prophecy, since prayer and meditation can alter the future. Nonetheless, he does feel it is inspired. It is written in the likeness of prophecies of the past, and much of it is, as a matter of fact, coming true. It is interesting to note that Michel Nostradamus was himself of French and Jewish origin. “War Upon an Eastern Star” was taped January 2001, with the exception of the last paragraph. The tape aired on the LA News on Channel 13, and can be viewed in its entirety on the DVD “Dark Mirror of Magick”, available on The last paragraph of “War Upon an Eastern Star”, all of “Shesil comes in Quarndag”, and the first paragraph of “Qualth comes in Sporax” were published online in March 2003. The work was completed January 2005.

1. War Upon An Eastern Star

War Upon An Eastern Star,
The King of Oils joins the Union,
36 Items of Note.

A House Divided, God Against Mammon,
Mammon claims to be God, God is called Mammon.
Fiery Scandals are covered by a Deluge,
3 and a Half Years of Strife.

A Presiding One shows his Genius,
But it is not What You Think.
The Slaying of a Son of Africa Undoes a Man.
The Son of the South is Truly the Son of the North.

Vidar sits in Silence,
Satan reigns with Violence,
What is Hanging by a Thread
Is Saved when the Snake is Shed.

The Serpent is Shed, the Evil One is Dead,
The Skeleton falls out of the Closet,
When it is What it claims to be,
The Head crashes, All Fallen Hard, Down Swiftly.

2. Shesil comes in Quardag

Shesil comes in Quarndag,
Slaying Innocents, Colp has no Ear to Hear,
Hebrew Name 666, Great Fire the Lad shall Fear.

Be Prepared to Swivel, Be Prepared to Bounce,
Should a part of the World move more than an Ounce,
Behold the Great Letter sends down 7, Away from Heaven,
Up 4, the Corners of the World shake more,
Up 5, a Praising Hand, the World remains Alive,
Turning again to the Right Angel,
3 is enough for the World to See,
3 Woes come to be.

Years come True,
Wise will find Truth and Enliven Hi,
Yet to have Some Lo Uigur Yard aid Syracuse aflow in Her Sea.
Corns make a Car go, Defueling at Canals.

A Wehrlite Land shall fall.
Uriel and Raphael bless Schools of Magical Thought with Odes of Wisdom,
Gabriel helps, Rejoicing.
Go Valleys of Chasms Jinn foresaw!
The Fire ebbs as the Land will rise for a Fall.

Year by Year, Heed the Seer.
5 Kings Fallen, the Sixth Wounded in Head,
The Seventh creates the Last Wonder.
Again Earth’s in Her Sad Manor, Quite Mad.
Enough! Show Yoke! Come Burden Bare!

God lets Michael make Water roar in the Lull,
Releasing the Great Storms,
Leveling Man’s Swerving Worth.
Behold, like Saul, Evil disperses,
2 Dajjals, Oh Dreadful Men, Exposed by Men.

Annually, what Milk uses and staves out a Disaster?
Are Men Lacking for Truth?
On, Upon, Out, 5 Ways In.
I’d Drum Dissent, Sing Extra Agaze.
A Bomb, shall it aid a Heinous Pomp?
Not by Camelot.

And the Lion West of Sin will utter with New Law,
Choosing for His Pleasing the Flower,
Priests hail Astarte in His Fief upon Passion,
All shall be ruled by Venus, All shall be Bael’s.

3. Qualth comes in Sporax

Qualth comes in Sporax,
Unavoidable are the Monarch’s Miasms,
Aches Youth and Carnivals bring,
Come Age, Thrashing Men revolt in Anger,
A Jazzful Successor, A Sib is Aiding a Lad On.
This Lad is Good, not as the Beastly Lad before,
But Troubles Beset Him,
For the 5 Crowns have been taken by the Whore.

Heed the Years; 2027, 2056, 2276, 2312, 2580, 3000, 3125, 4951,
But here shall be the Sooner of Signs; 2053, 2057: Dreamland.
2012 and 2013 yields Great Signs Sooner Still!
There are More Years, but they May Be extracted at a Later Time.
3125 is not the End!

A Desert covers Fields of Plains,
Trash litters the Airlines,
413, the Magical Number,
Truth comes in Prude Numbers.

The Dolphins will Fly,
Tumbleweeds bump the Borders of Cathay.

Angry Men carry the Flag of Gomer,
A Burning! A Burning! A Burning!
Come, Come the Calvary; Dissembled before the Fronts of Mars
Life on Mars, War in Antarctica, Wisdom in the Seas
The Moon is a Gold Mine of Treasures; Nay, More than Gold!!
Zirconium Crystal more Precious than Diamonds!
The Muslim waves a Banner of Red; This is a Dangerous One.
The Crusader waves his Green and Blue; This One is Worse, Far Worse.
An Age of Pipes and Dreams, of Wires and Worlds Unmasked.

A Problem with Peace the World cannot Fight,
For the Peace is too Great to the World Outside.
Skyscrapers shall be dwarfed by stupendous heights
of intelligent design, far more graceful too,
Whole Cities shall dwell therein;
parks, palaces, planes, ports, and pinnacles,
Buildings as Broad and Big as Counties,
An Obelisk tall enough to touch the Moon.

The Children of Space shall open a dialogue,
The Borders of the Universe found,
Thoughts shall be read, Brains abused in Machines,
Even One’s Thoughts on Screen Can be Seen.
Young twins shall be bought at high price.
Technology shall become grand, yet fall back,
for morality has ceased to build social fiber.
In a weakened condition, humans shall be undaunted,
and muster up the courage to go forward.

4. Forlap comes in Fyion (Nations)

Forlap comes in Fyion,
In Sundra the Young Ones are found Captive,
A Righteous Man of Indignation,
He Enters In and Leads the Cause,
He Saves the Youth and Stops the Films,
Someone brings forth Rumors of Shame,
Yet this One shall be shamed.
The Cause is Victorious for its Generation.

The 5 Crowns of the Great Council are shaken,
Bharata and Indonesia claim a place,
Rashiel smites Bharata, Rudra shakes the Urdish land,
Fiery clouds of death and Scourging,
North against South! East against West!
The Plight of the Paks and Tamils is heard,
Heeded even in the Khalis’ land,
As the Whole World listens and Watches.

Honking in the streets of Montreal,
Quebec is free at last,
The Cascades vie for freedom,
Up to the Land of the Midnight Sun,
A Green Mountain shall gladly go.

Oil in Greenland! Minerals to Mine!
The Danish exult,
The Eskimo protest the Gain!

The Tablet of Tablets of the Neanderthals,
Wise Words not easily seen,
Found in the Bowels of the Earth.
The Writings of World Peace,
Found in the Ground of Cathay,
Wise Words not easily done.

The Speakers of Father Sky’s Words all at last become free,
From Pyrenees to Caucasus, in Cathay and the lands of the Dene,
The Tribes of the Reindeer from Gosmam to Idunia cry for Justice and Freedom,
They are Granted a Portion,
Then are Given More as the Slavs Pull Back and Tire.
Even the Ket are remembered, the Burusho Hailed.

Cathay and Nippon form a Powerful Alliance,
Yet Divisiveness tears within.
The Fleets of Nippon rise again,
Taking Their Own Isle of Sakhalin.

Many Nations of Islam turn to Democracy,
Without Praise or Aid from the West.

Africa, Asia, and Arabia, each in the likeness of Europe,
Unite Economically, Choosing a Currency,
Eventually the World shall have One.
Europe claims the Central Bank,
Arabs insist this not be done.

The United Nations shall give way to a Greater Unity,
For better and for worse.
Beware the Defenders of the Forest,
Who Slay a Fetus and Defend a Tree!

Taken by Miners, Seekers of Freedom, and Lovers of the Land,
Great Sudria shall become Populated in Gongatha,
But it is a While before Tolpam becomes Something Great,
A Railway is Established Roundabout Hypernotia.
Saviors of the Forest and the Fetus and the Fettered Pet,
Ignored by Those who claim to be Their Champions,
These 3 Unite for Creations’ Rights.

5. Carbozan comes in Shirkowits (Religions)

Carbozan comes in Shirkowits,
Numerous Mantras of New Faiths.
Jesus made a Buddha, Karl Marx an Angel,
A Strange Socialatry is Made.
God is within Man!
The Aliens will save us!

In the Society of Ganymede and Sappho,
A Man makes himself King,
But caught in the Ways of Sodom,
He is brought down, and many with him.

A Village for Ganymede forms, fleeing the World,
Many more follow its lead, in spite of its troubles,
Even a tribe of Amazons is forged,
The Faith of Ganymede spreads.

The Dangerous Cult of the Mahdi reaches the Land of Liberty,
Shaking Hands with the Sons of the Confederacy,
But not for the World to See, They do so Hiddenly,
An Era where Liberty falls, She cannot hold her Torch.
Fallen, Broken, Crashed, Freedom indeed shall Scorch.

The demons of Christendom,
Glorious Deities of Technology,
Freed of Looeamong’s Tyranny.

New Deities spring from Men’s Minds,
Imagination is made to Scripture,
New Cults from this are formed.

In the Heart of Africa shall arise a Great Hierophant,
A Leader to His People, but a Greater One shall come,
The Great Seer of Africa, a Blessing to the Congo.

In Jeshurun, a Commune slays Itself,
The Jews are Mocked, the Arabs Laugh,
Near Jebus it occurs.

The Cult of El Nino becomes the Standard,
As Malverde gains his Great Following too.
From North to South, Guatama fights for Freedom,
From the Cree to Huichol to the Mapuche,
Placing its Representatives in the Council,
Lakota and Dene are Foremost Heard.
Diahman is shaken to welcome Deseret.
From Deseret to Diahman, a Nation shall come forth,
Leading Lehi in the South with Power.
Guatama shuns the Sons of Yakub in One Accord.
The Halls of Russell meet in Brooklyn.

A New Cult of Earth Lovers, a New Monastery;
Rejecting the Slaughter of Animal and Plant,
Eating only the Fruit of Animal and Plant.

The Master of the Minds, the Charismatic Genius,
He learns at 1 what Boys comprehend at 10,
A Man of Many Mistresses, One betrays him and fails,
He shall play the violin with ease and be a Master of Chess,
Calculus and Physics shall be his toys, the Piano his Choice,
The Dangers of Great Heights are his pleasures,
He dances in fire and swims in ice,
He shall lock his students in chambers,
To free them from distractions and magnify their talents.
He shall be swift and light and strong,
Master of clear thought, he shall claim to be foreseen.
He programs computers and minds the same,
Deleting dislikes, adding in what pleases him.
His voice is deep and soothing in person,
Yet loud and boisterous from the pulpit,
This Apex of Humanity, he confounds even Doctors!
He shall claim access to arcane knowledge and new Wisdom,
He shall propound Pure Nutrition and partake of Sacred Herbs.
He shall hypnotize the Courtrooms, Yet ever be aware of Lurkers in the Midst,
He manipulates them to his end.

At his passing an Heir, a Chosen Successor,
And a Man of Signs shall vie for power.
Hated by Governors in Life,
The Leaders of the World follow him at his Peaceful Passing,
For this reason does Sitael bid you be Aware.

6. Drot comes in Milin (World Government)

Drot comes in Milin,
Not until all Peoples are so-said Free,
Shall we see the World Democracy.

But beware what becomes next,
Failing to Vote in Leery Wisdom,
The World Order controls the Very Text.
What Does it Matter? Your Vote is Made!
The Wells are Poisoned,
Men’s Wills are Pressed.
The Vaults of Pain are Opened,
Viruses and Poisons released,
Aiding Microscopic Assassins,
Look, Much Life has ceased.

Health is a High Crime,
Good Vegetables a Curse,
Forced to Eat Waste and Plastic,
The Rich are Off in a Horst.

The Demagogue of Democracies,
He shall have be cleft between the teeth,
Democracies United, Minorities are Squelched,
Mobs pleased they rule the day,
Gerrymandering Worldwide holds sway.

A term of time and a handful of years pass,
A New Dynasty is yet to come,
The King of Conquest, The Prince of Pride,
Wanting a Sister, Loving a Cousin, Lusting for a Niece,
Her Lover slain, She’s slain as well, even the Wife is Killed!
The Best Friend Murdered from Memory
for evoking too much Zeal,
Valuing the Life of an Animal over that of a Human,
Honoring Clones and Digitized Minds,
Ubermenschen being made, Eugenics gain appeal.
Millions slain for being odd or weak,
Opposing such power seems rather Bleak.
Is the King indeed the Prince,
Or is this King just his forerunner?

Every Body is tracked,
To Blink at the Wrong Time a Crime,
Lunacy a Capital Offense,
Those not conforming enter the Hell of Brainwashed Slaves,
Marriages Once Again Arranged.

Fools wage a War on the Felines, But Bastet is Vicious back,
In Her guise as Hathor, She Treats the Fools like Vermin.
Her Wrath destroys them, Tearing Them with Madness.

Suicide and Murder are Lauded as Great Deeds.
The Intelligent Plant of the Amazon cures a Plague,
It’s Cousins do the Like,
A Mushroom cures Mutations,
A Generation Too Late.
Artificial bodies, wait! What!
Artificial Brains and Brains in Big Black and Silver Boxes.
A clay shall mold itself according to one’s thoughts.
Interactive Movies, 3-Dimensional Walls and Boards.
Robots replace humans as workers for the rich,
Machines become the New Slaves of the Economy,
The Proletariat Continues and Mourns.

7 Plagues of Viruses arise to wipe out widening man;
Choking, Cracking, Melting, Fizzling, Freezing, Drying and Destroying.
Lizards of 3 and 5 legs and toes per hand and foot,
Next it’s seen in Rats and Cats and Dogs,
The Plague of Mutation finally takes Faint Man.
To have a weak mind is to be a criminal,
To be a criminal is to have a weak mind.
Insanity is criminal! Crime is Lunacy!
All alike are made slaves, and vessels of torture.
Electric Shock! Positric Shock!
All are eventually Transformed!

7. K’flon comes in Shad (World Leaders)

K’flon comes in Shad,
From a Shoot shall come a Branch,
Strangling the Blue Swine,
From this Branch will come Branches,
Covering the Globe,
The Blue Swine is Watched by All,
As it has lost its Power of Prestige.

Shooter of Swine, Sniper of Sorrow,
Unlike Those who Mimic Him,
He Aims to Live Tomorrow,
Disciplined by Restraint,
Embittered by Revenge,
He Accomplishes his Goals,
Then Retires into a Hinge.

The Leader of Europe leads the World,
All Eyes are upon Her for Power,
She holds the Great Council.

The Bastion of Bonobos,
Thought a Bastard by Men,
The Champion of Chimpanzees,
A Funny Chump Now and Again,
Yet Lonely, Part Human, Part Ape.
Odd How Men will feel Then.

The Marshall of Mars leads the Great Plan,
Lieutenants will have Fallen,
Captains will have Crashed Their Ship,
Colonel’s Columns Broken, Cracked, They Slip,
Yet the Appointed Marshall lands Safely.
Cydonia shall haunt Him,
What was dormant seems to blink,
The Face and Pyramids make Phantom Visions,
All within a wink.
Landmarks are unnamed, and Places given New Names.

Planets and Moons shall have their Viceroys,
Venus shall have hers too.
The Viceroy of Venus governs bubbled cities,
The Sun’s energy gives him much to do.

Mistress of Magistrates,
I must mention Her lest She feel slighted,
Great in Her Day,
She’ll Be Praised in Her Time,
Doing Much to Assist Humankind.
In an Era of Weakened Earth,
She’d be Forgotten if we did not exult Her.

The Grace of Guildhall,
Matriarch of Multitudes,
Finally a Queen Elect is Made,
She leads well as She was taught to lead,
Helping All Worldwide who are in Need.

47 Gems of the Archangel,
The First is said to be forged in John’s Town,
The Last by Catherine the Smith in the land of the Mingo,
The rest forged by her little girl and a King of Wealth,
Scattered the World Round.
The Clan of Guildhall possesseth Them All,
Catherine is Cleansing, The Little Girl Its Continuance,
The Smith does the forging,
The Mingo are a Forgotten Tribe,
And John’s Town a Town of Grace.

The Clan shall spread across the Globe,
Intermingling with the 7 Peoples,
The Children of the San, the children of the Congo,
The Children of the Dene, the Children of the Nostrates,
The Children of Sahul, the Children of Sundra,
And the Children of Guatama.

The Wise and Powerful Ruler shall Raise the Prophet’s Twin,
The Triplet, the Quadruplet, Infiniplets Begin.
He lifts the Southern Banner, He raises His Penguin.
An Army of Men aided by Penguins,
They rid the World of Sin!

8. Dryrt comes in Kuroth (World Devastation)

Dryrt comes in Kuroth,
The Land of the Hypernotians, Great Sudria,
Shall be seen as the Home of Muspell,
Ice and Flesh shall be Scorched,
Isles melt into their Mother Sea,
Floods on Cities by the Seashores.
Mot begs for a feeding,
Rashiel fills his hunger,
Souls tumbling down to his Realm,
Crashing, Falling, Bleeding.
The Costanoans and Gabrielinos are avenged.
Turbo Crashes, Caracas is Rocked.
The Land of Ankara is Thrice Devastated,
In one day she is struck hard and broad the worst.
Kicking Sicily once too often, Italia finally cracks her toe!
Cloacina shakes and floods Tenochtitlan,
Even the Flies vomit from the Stench.

Yamm demands his fill, Michael whets his appetite.
He spews upon Montevideo in his Early Ramblings,
Acapulco, Miami, Tallahassee, and Manhattan,
They all receive his Waters, Too.
In Europe, Lisbon is his favorite,
Stockholm and Helsinki his delight.
Athens receives her splashes,
And in Asia, even Shanghai and Kamchatka.

Yamm’s hunger is filled in Africa as well,
The Nile widens, stretching through Africa,
Shaken both by Yamm and Rashiel.
From Dar-es-Salaam to Capetown,
Capetown to Tripoli,
Yamm spews forth his venom
Upon the Chief Towns of the Sea.

Cainhannoch is quaked by Water,
A Vicious Flood cleanses her of her Evil.
The Levant’s Heart is struck in Twain
And None can stop it!

Asteroid -- Devastation. You’ll Recover.
Devastation. Devastation.
You’ll Recover. You’ll Recover.

Humans can be cloned and will be.
If you smite the twin children,
Kusor’s wrath you’ll see.

Those who fight the Clones shall fail,
Their Lines cursed forevermore,
Victims of Mutation and Cancer,
They’re Deemed Fools When it is Realized;
Clones are Humans, Too.

The One Who Strikes the San,
Shall receive the Greatest Curse on Man,
The One who strikes the Child of Sahul,
Is Made into the greatest Fool.

9. Binah comes in Soph (Middle East Prophecies)

Binah comes in Soph,
The Children of Asshur and the Households of Elam,
In the North and in the South shall cry,
ALet Us Leave Babylon! Let Us Leave Babylon!@

The Jew who embraces the Quran shall be deemed a Fool,
The Arab preaching the Glory of the Torah shall be deemed a Traitor,
The Man of Peace is neither Traitor nor Fool, but Empowered by God.
With the Man of Peace, an Arab is a Jew, and a Jew an Arab, and he is Both!

The Taheb is yet to come,
The Messiah of Joseph to proclaim his Message.
The Samaritans shall be Uplifted,
All Israelites have a place in the land of Beulah,
The Resident Foreigner is Blest,
as Ezekiel prophesied of old,
Judah’s downtrodden Uplifted,
who were deemed too dark for a blessing.

The Sons of Zadok regain authority,
sought out among the Karaites,
Praising Attention to Authenticate Stations,
The work of the Taheb shall be cut short,
the Messiah of Joseph slain,
but God has not forgotten him.

The Mahdi shall come, a Hajji uniting Islam,
A Man of Peace in Early Years,
Praising the People of the Book,
A Man of War upon Fatwah of Jihad,
None of His Followers accept He’s died.

12 Mahdis shall come in All, the Last, Mahdi Muntazar,
Shall be a Blessing only to Islam.
The World shall hate him for Generations,
But At Last, His Goodness shall be Seen.
In A Kaffir Nation, one shall be deemed a traitor who accepts him.
Are you Blind, O World. Behold the Offspring of Mahdi!

Be aware, O World, for then shall come the Messiah of David.
He shall finish the work of the Taheb,
Yet many shall reject him.
Nonetheless, these shall be his signs,
He shall accept the Red Heifer,
He shall build the Temple in the likeness of Solomon’s, not Herod’s,
The Cohens do the Work, the Levites aid the job.

The Banished Tribes return to Their Lands,
Abram’s Seed receives their Promised Portion,
Behold, Naphtali possesses the West and the South,
Zebulun dwells by the Seashore, a Haven for Ships, He borders Sidon.

Jacob shall no longer seek the Help of Mizraim,
For of 5 cities, One is Destruction.
Mizraim is Desolate, taken captive by Asshur,
Babylon becomes a Dwelling for Hyenas and Ostriches,
See, the People are Gone, and look at What has replaced Them,
Damascus has indeed become a Ruinous Heap.
Salem becomes a Bright City of Peace,
Passing her Trial of Flames, War leaves Her,
Radiant Rivers flowing East and West from Her.

Saoshyant at the Appointed Time,
Fulfilling the Prophecies of the Parsees,
Destroying the power of Ahriman.

Then will come great Ragnarok,
Gog and Magog shall pose a threat once again,
but they shall be dealt their final blow.
Lif and Lifthrasir spread Human Life on a Foreign World.
The Glory of Balder has once again returned to the Human Race.

As with Nineveh, You may make a Curse a Blessing,
As with Jebus, You may make a Blessing a Curse!
The Word will fail to appear at every Expected Juncture,
If the Chosen fail to strive to make the World Better,
With every Endeavor, the Word shall remain Hidden, and Hidden Forever.
The Apocalypse occurs in Every Generation,
The Lord’s Coming in Every Death.

10. Myrozat comes in Flyscofs (Science)

Myrozat comes in Flyscofs,
Beyond Pluto lies a Larger Brother,
Beyond Pluto lie to Frost Giants,
Called in Their Youth Planets,
Yet Many Kin till we find the Great Mother.

What is here is no longer there,
Until then comes the Revolution; Resolution.
Look in Science for the New Genius;
Physics shall make its Advances,
But Sociology shall implement the Natural Sciences,
Making a New Breed of Thinkers after the Path of a Wise One.

A Few Elements,
New Elements Are Made!
Then many seen in glassy thoughts on screens,
Legs shall be grown on the backs of whales,
Arms on a hairless horse, a pig, and a poor man.

Men shall put on suits to enliven second bodies,
Robots acting out the Will of Men.

A Robot Butler becomes a Robot Bike.
He’ll Fly His Boss All Day or Night,
Allowed even Wooden Skin for One’s Delight.

Computers shall argue with men,
Intelligent Plantlife shall be discovered, far wiser than the Venus flytrap,
Dolphins shall gain unexpected prestige as humans move into the seas,
Cottages and parks shall be found underground,
The Grand Waters are Pretty against their Windows.
Boats in the Sea, Boats in the Air, Boats Under Grounds, and Boats in Space.

A Suit of Invisibility, Weaponry Before the Eye Unseen,
The Secret Life of Earth and Water and Air,
Subatomic Biology, Sociophysics, Sociochemistry,
Man’s Much To Learn. Woman’s Much To Know.
Devices and Doors obey Thoughts.
Televisions and Computers become 3 in 1,
Dimensions in Hand, as Robots for fun,
A Necklace, a Wristwatch, and a Screen.

A push of the button shall get you there, just type where.
A man shall talk to a lifelike image, from one end to the other,
Seen in Full Dimensions,
Children shall play in virtual worlds, a Universe in their Hand,
Men shall appear to talk to themselves,
Visions in Contact Lenses, Voice Implants in the Ears,
Money, Messages, and Memory,
As One are held in Their Palms,
Shall later be Within them!

Death shall become a beautiful process
of entering a heavenly flow.
Animals shall be spoken with
and new fields of understanding developed.
Men shall learn years of learning at the spin of a clock,
in only an hour’s time.

Clones become the Common Thing,
New Breeds of Humans Made,
Some have Matriarchies of Diamonds,
Some have Patriarchies of Jade,
Eyes and Hands Enlarge,
Foreheads do and Swell,
Hair is gone from Swimming in a Well.
Stacks over Stocks on Stocks,
Options on Options break Gold Rocks.

New Dumps of Furnaces reach Earth’s Core,
Dumped in her Magma Blood Streams,
Trash is dissolved Forevermore.
Dumps become Mines, Considered Lost then Found,
Radium and Uranium are brought into the Mound,
Water, Rocks, and Acid, bid Wires and Oily Base adieu,
A Trillionaire destroys Industries, Joined by the Wise Few.
Gravitons discovered, Faster and Lighter than Light, Let’s Go!
7 Supersede Light, Spaceboats in a Ray, We’ll Row.
Adjust to Cosmic Flow, Alpha Centauri has a place to know.
Even the Planets of Andromeda Galaxy can be seen to Glow.

11. Telen comes in Wun (Ajita & After)

Telen comes in Wun,
The Maitreya Ajita shall come in the reign of Shankha,
Earth shall be once again blessed with flowery life.
Yet Jainism shall whither away to lesser faiths.
Duppasahasuri shall not expand his monastery.
Phalgusri shall not seek nuns.
Nagila shall not beget one Jain son.
Satyasri shall not bare one Jain child.
Myriads of Years shall pass, then a Tirthankara shall come from Bharata,
Padmanabha shall bless the world with wondrous forgotten teachings.
Kalkin shall ignite from Bharata, destroying right and left.

The Iron Age has passed,
The Lead and Aluminum Age, too.
The Technetium Age is upon us.
Hear how it shall run itself through,
An Age of Silicon within View.

Barons of Borgs, Kings of Clones,
Cybarons mastering Psi shall evolve,
Psi Barons of Psi Borgs, Psi Kings of Psi Clones,

After the Ages of Primates primitive have past,
An Insectine Race of Metal Skin shall rule at last.
Wise like the Mantis, Possessed of a Queen,
Drones and Soldiers loyally serving,
No humans shall these ever have seen,
Workers and nurses, working, nursing, night and day,
Their time will come when they hold sway.
Brains are read, Thoughts on Screen,
The Weather Controlled, Mindwaves and Flying Castles in the Sky,
Cities Underground, In a Sea, and a City through a Mountain!

Yet Wasichu dwell in Rat-ruled Dumpsites.
Nobles don Tattoos and Platinum Piercings,
As Deviants remove Flesh and Bone.
A Bone becomes a child’s toy.
The Bones of Men now the Toys of Children.
Every Body is tracked,
To Blink at the Wrong Time a Crime,
Lunacy a Capital Offense,
Those not conforming enter the Hell of Brainwashed Slaves,
Marriages Once Again Arranged.

Fools wage a War on the Felines, But Bastet is Vicious back,
In Her guise as Hathor, She Treats the Fools like Vermin.
Her Wrath destroys them, Tearing Them with Madness.

The Grand City, Hapakwa its Spiritual Name,
It’s Height Above the Thinning Air,
It’s Depth Below the Magmous Vaults,
Clear Elevator Tubes Up and Down,
Miles and Miles, Shooting Bodies Around.
The Shaman of the Grand City,
He transcends All the Gates of the Bovine Sphinx,
No Gate holds him Captive,
Souls visit him from his future and from his past,
He purges souls with healing fire,
Much as Kusor purges Gold on Ether’s Planes.
Seek Him out, at last he’ll heal you.

Exavion and Evaxion, the Twins of Power,
Exavion is the Greater Power.
Evaxion is the Twin and Foe.
In Time, Exavion subsumes Evaxion.

From the Eye of the Storm One rises.
Exavion brings forth the Great Ashak,
The Brain of Brains, a Silicious Power in a Technetium Age,
The Everlasting Brain of Brains, all connect to him,
He has conquered, Game Over.
Pods of Life in space, Nucleic Acids spread Extropy.

Ashak is the Ultimate, Unchallenged Power of Earth,
Advanced Suzerain Homine Amalgamatory King,
A Grand Living Computer with Many Brains,
Human as well as Other.

Archsuzerain of All,
Cyborgs, Clones, Uploaded Minds Assist,
None can make this Leader fall.
The Autocrat’s Brain Cells spread throughout Machinery,
So This Mind is Across the Globe.
Indestructible Child of Man and Jinn,
In your very frontal lobe.

Heavily Guarded and Fortified with Fluid Sentinels,
Humankind is divided into breeds,
The best being cloned according to their type,
Minor flaws yield Extermination,
Everyone is Marked, All are Watched,
The World is run with Beautiful Efficiency.

Life is continually seeded throughout Space,
Pods of Life improved upon Each Generation,
Ashak continually recreating Self like a Phoenix,
Ashak I, Ashak II, Ashak III,
Continual Improvement, Self Cloned Many Times Over.

No early Antichrist compares to Ashak,
The 11th Millennium Anno Domini marks his Rise,
But give the Coming Rise of Ashak much more time,
There is a Continual Progression toward the Coming Rise.

If God abandons the Earth, Ashak will surely come,
If God destroys Ashak in Mercy,
Ashak is the Prophesied Evil of Centuries,
Ashak may never come, but if Humankind continues up,
Ashak will surely come.

Ashak is Self Perfecting, Self Evolving, Self Evolving, Self Changing,
Myriads of Years shall Ashak remain,
What evolves will evolve out of Ashak,
Ashak, the Culmination of Materialism,
The Epiphany of Social Darwinism.
After Ashak, Parashak, Parashak, Parashak.

Kalkin shall ignite from Bharata, destroying right and left.
Myriads of Myriads of Years shall pass,
Miroku comes, a Venerable Prince of Peace,
Then shall Savarni have his path prepared,
The Savarnis come, each in turn,
And Suradeva far hence.
The Light of the Moon shall be as that of the Sun,
And the Sun shall be Sevenfold Brighter.

12. Varnash comes in Sfindel (Condemnations)

Varnash comes in Sfindel,
And now a Curse is pronounced on Evil Ones.
Children of Perdition, You have no hope of Forgiveness.
You say Lord, Lord, but Jesus does not even know you.

Moses himself shall throw in Hitler and the Enemy to God into Hell,
Jesus Himself shall throw in Hannah of Kings,
Muhammad shall throw in Gob and a False Muslim,
Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad do so with Gloves,
For you are not even worthy to be touched.

O Enemy to God, You claim to be a Lion, but are a Fool,
And for the sake of Fools, Fiji shall be struck as the Lull,
For men did not notice the Prophecy of God the First Time.
You are as Hitler, and shall be despised as Hitler.
You have struck the Sons of Joseph relentlessly, you Amorite,
God shall make you burn all day and night.

Now Hannah of Kings, a Curse upon you, O Lady of Death,
For the Blood of God’s Grace, a Son of Man, cries out against you.
The Blood of Innocent Men condemns you.

A Deep Fiery Hell for you, Gob, you Brother of Death,
For the Blood of the unborn Robin cries against you.
The Blood of a Free Man, a Son of God’s Grace, cries against you.
The Blood of Innocent Men condemns you.

And now even worse, for the Blood of Nations cries out against you!
You salute the Devil, the Slick-tongued Goddess, and Judas Iscariot.
You shall be exposed! Viracocha shall condemn you!
The World shall hate you, Your Offspring despise you!

A Curse Upon This Generation for Those of Times Past,
A Curse on your Godless Scientism which claims to be Science.
The Great Graveyards of Today meet Disregard.
The Vast Buildings of the Future Tower Over and Upon Them,
And Drill Beneath Them, For Those in Under Grounds.

You Wasichu have risen, but you shall fall,
As Paul made the Gentile a Jew to God,
So I make those of Color White to God,
You Wasichu are filthy and those of Color are Clean,
The Torch of Power has already been passed!

It is not just the Mongolais receiving the Torch!
He who is not an Anglo may now be an Anglo,
This shall start in the Latin World; Angloismo,
And though Gi Salomon only exists in the Heart,
This Kingdom shall rise within the Hearts of Men,
Empty as a Valley, It shall be Filled.

A Curse upon those who’ve despised the Holy Sacraments,
They have been given to You through the Angels Mihael and Umabel,
But a Blessing on Those who observe the Sacraments,
For in this Laodicean Age, You shall be the Ones to see the Angels,
You Seek Love through Truth, a Pure Science which is in You,
And because of You, there shall be indeed a Second Coming on Earth,
So Keep Faith, even in Death, for Your Reward shall be Eternal Life!

13. Wisdom comes in Patience (Closing)

Wisdom comes in Patience,
A Leader of Levi founds an Order of Moses,
He brings together all Books of that Prophet.
From Sefer Beyom to Devarim, 5 Books of Torah.

Salatheel shall teach him, Aha he shall conjure,
Sitako is Setem, Soqed Chozi shows the Sword,
This All in 4 Books More, Making now even 9,
Also the Words of Moses found in Milan and Qumran,
He shall bring together as that Prophet’s Testament.

The Leader of Levi shall transcend all the Gates of Zagan,
Waging a War on All Planes, Aided by Mihael and Umabel,
He shall descend into the Chariot,
But viewing Akatriel shall only be the Beginning,
For he shall transcend through the 955 Gates of Power,
By Each Verse of Dabriel, whom he accepts,
He shall follow Parsamyah and Agramats,
Even seeing Rachabiel.

Seek the Mysteries Herein,
For within these Oracles a Code shall be found,
In Hebrew, Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese,
The Tongues of Europe and all Great Languages of India,
When first well given in the language,
Secrets may be extracted.
Irrational Numbers shall yield a Rationalized Code Indefinitely!

Your Mine is a Treasure of Thoughts,
The Cosmos a Mere Equation
The Sphere Scintillates as a Rainbow--Aloft
Is the Future Really What It Appears To Be
So Many Things We’ll See the Truth
Come To Pass Through Like Glass
Turning Into Air.

So-said Followers of Servetus shall join the Base,
Slaying selves to acquire lowly spots in Paradise,
Hagar shall be Vindicated!
The Hammer of the Paranthrop shall vindicate!
The Creationists Ashamed,
The Preterists Justified,
Servetus is at Peace.

The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord
Shall not come for 2 Centuries,
2320 Shall Be a Year of Disappointment.
The Angels laugh at those expecting a Rapture,
While Demons simply Ridicule,
Nonetheless, God has His Hidden Plans.
God eventually conquers All,
Bringing All Things into Himself.

This is the Revelation received by
Michel Salomon d’Orange the Seer, even the Prophet.
Vassago spoke in the beginning under the constraint of Sitael,
Who had been given authority by Holy Kthrotha,
But when Qualth comes in Sporax was revealed, it was by Sitael,
Under Authority of the Seer’s Guardian Angel,
Even Kthrotha, the Mighty Passelquan,
Who receives Wisdom directly from God.

It was in July of 1999 that Kthrotha revealed himself to the Seer,
The date a prophecy of Nostradamus seemed Unfulfilled,
But indeed Kthrotha did come in Alarm from on High,
That he might raise the Earthly Michael to prophesy,
Even Michel the Seer, the Descendant of Solomon,
Roi d’Angolmois, Heilige van Klonen.

From the Glory of the 955 Heavens, God reveals,
With Dabriel, the Swami of Souls, the Lord and Savior in His Bosom,
To Great Kthrotha, even Mighty Passelquan,
Who reveals to Abraxas of Eleleth,
Who reveals to Akatriel Yehud of Sabaoth,
Who reveals to Michael, Prince of Angels,
Who reveals to Sitael.

Before Michel the Seer came Prophets,
Who followed after John the Revelator;
Muhammad, Malachy, Mother Shipton, Michel Nostradamus.
2 More Prophets shall come and see the Rest,
2 Liars shall put them to the Test,
A Great Seer shall come from afar off and see much more.

Thus end the Oracles of Sitael,
Sealed January 25, 2005
By Michel the Seer, A Son of Michaelmas,
A Son of the Order of the White Rose,
Born in the Year a Son of Solomon was Prophesied,
The Year of Mao when Eros passed by and in came West,
Sealed up to the Great Dabriel Autogenes,
To God Whose Names Are Forevermore . . .

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