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Fear is the mind-killer
bluestar Views: 770
Published: 21 y

Fear is the mind-killer

The following excerpt is taken from Our Lady of Light Publications on Lapis's website. It speak of the terrifying events to come. Please understand that Mary speaks mostly to those who have not yet embraced the light. For those of us who stand with God (whatever we might call or think of as God) the most horrible of these things will not come to pass (unless we choose to experience them). The truth of the reality of existence is very difficult to put into words. We are both completely separate from each other in this world and completely united as one. We exist on many levels and in many realities. It is not important to understand this, or even to accept this. But for some, I know some explanation is helpful. We have the power to create our own realities. We form constellations with other souls and create realities within realities. [Satan's] most powerful weapon has been the weapon known as "reality." Unfortunately the media in all its forms has been a fantastic tool to promote this "reality." None of us need to experience the holocaust that is to come. We can protect ourselves from this experience through prayer, through acts of giving and kindness, by forgiving our enemies (if not the acts which they commit). Keep your own world in the best shape you can. Help to bring a smile to another's face. Try to bring joy into the world. In this way we can remain free of the acts of evil that are being committed and changing the worlds of many even as I write this.

"She {she who was/is Mary, mother of Jesus) has said we are at the beginning of what will become a global war. She has said it will unfold gradually over time and many nations, including the United States, will be devastated by it. She has said the people of this country do not know the horrors of war, but the horrors of war will be visited upon our land. She showed me many areas of our country being destroyed. The global war and the ensuing economic and social chaos will set the stage for the establishment of a one-world government. People throughout the world will turn to this government in desperation to find a solution to the war and other problems. However, it will be a government of darkness and will lead us like sheep into further disaster. Mary says the only refuge will be God and those who do not know God will be devastated by the changes to come.

The war and its impact throughout the world will also set the stage for the emergence of the antichrist. Mary has spoken to me about the antichrist. She has said he will come to power and convince many people he is God. He will have the ability to perform what appear to be miracles. Many people will believe in him. But he will be a dark being, a wolf in sheep's clothing, who will work to destroy the light in people and the world. He will be a master of deceit and should not be trusted or followed. He will try to pull many into the darkness with him. He will require the mark of the beast, a chip inserted in the body, for all commercial transactions. This chip will have a very low energetic vibration and will be used to control people in different ways. This vibration, not unlike what the television and computers already do, will hold people at a low level of energy and a low level of consciousness. It will weaken them energetically and spiritually. It will make it harder for them to throw off the veil of illusion and recognize the truth of what is happening in the world. Mary says that, when this time comes, not to take the chip, even if it means your death, and not to believe a word the antichrist or his followers say.

The time of the antichrist will mark the reign of darkness on this earth. Mary says it will be a dangerous time for all souls. She says those souls who choose to remain asleep and under the veil of illusion and ignorance will be lost to the darkness. Those souls who carry light and love will be persecuted and many will be killed. She has said that each soul will be faced with the choice between light and love or darkness and evil. Only those souls who choose light and love will enter into the Kingdom of God. She says it will be a time of great trial, a time of decision for all souls on this planet. It will be a time when fear, hatred and other dark emotions will spread throughout the world and a time when it will be difficult to hold onto light and love in the face of massive destruction. How will we react when the world as we know it begins to crumble? This is why she says it is important now to rise to a higher consciousness through prayer, meditation, spiritual practices, and love-making. These, she says, will anchor us spiritually, raise our consciousness, and allow us to turn to God."


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