Recent Mary Channelings
Prophecy & Politics XVI
June 14, 2004
In these extraordinary times, the Divine Mother, best known to many as Mary, the mother of Jesus, is appearing with unprecedented frequency to people around the world. She comes with messages of love and compassion, as well as with crucial information and revelations about the events unfolding
across the globe. The purpose of her messages, which are for people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and faiths, is to help people everywhere to understand the events that are occurring and will continue to occur and to prepare for the apocalyptic changes they will bring to our lives and world.
One of the people to whom Mary appears is a woman in New Mexico. The following information and excerpts are from messages received by her from Mary in apparitions over the past several weeks. Many of these messages relate to the war in Iraq and attacks on the United States. As in the past, Mary urges us to pray, stating that prayers are critical now for our country
and the world, the fate of both being inextricably linked. Prayers and a change of consciousness by some people, according to Mary, have in some cases lessened and in others delayed or averted catastrophic events. She also clarifies that her warnings are not to say what is inevitable, but what
will occur if people do not change.
When prayers and a change of consciousness lessen the impact of some events and delay or avert others, some people may conclude that the messages are not reliable because what they foretell has not occurred. In this regard, it is important to remember that prayer is a powerful agent of change and
can alter the course of events that have already been set in motion. Also, as Mary indicates, the events she foretells, which are unfolding on many levels, are far more complex than most people realize. This is the sixteenth in a series of communications on Mary’s messages.
Mary asks, “Pray for the people of Iraq and other people who are
there.” She then shows a bombed hospital and many babies who were killed. Their little bodies are lined up in a row and covered with white sheets. Light beings are putting light into their hearts and spiritual eyes to help them as they pass
over. She shows beings of light helping many people, including many children, who are dying in Iraq.
“People who pray to me genuinely and from the heart are always
protected by me, and I am always with them. I do not forget them, although they sometimes forget me.”
Mary shows scenes of violence in different parts of the world and an enormous black wave, like an ocean of dark energy, enveloping the Arab world. She then flashes scenes of fighting in Iraq and states: “The United States and the U.N. are going to say that they are going to withdraw troops as the (Iraqi) government gets settled there, but it is a lie.” She
also shows an enormous earth quake occurring in Mexico City and herself as a small child in that city. She announces: “I will appear in this city, and many people will see me.”
Mary shows dark beings not in body coming onto the planet and states: “These beings are entering the planet and fueling the anger and hatred of people. Light beings are also entering the planet, but the dark beings are stronger now because they have their time now. It is very important to pray, meditate, and do your spiritual practices because it will be harder and
harder to keep one’s heart open.”
Mary confirms once again that the U.S. military has injected its troops in Iraq with inoculations that carry diseases and that pathogenic toxins have been released into the environment there.
She shows an Iraqi man wearing a Western-style business suit and
states: “The Americans are going to try to put this man in power. He will be killed by the Iraqis, which will cause even greater civil disruption there. The U.S. will try to maintain order, but will not be successful.”
“The economy will experience a blow, but the economy will be one of the last things to go. This is because the economy is part of the master plan of the dark beings to maintain your reality. When the economy finally goes, it will be all over–your world of illusions will crumble.”
Mary appears holding a missile and says that she is intervening in strategic situations and places. She is doing this, she explains, in order to give humankind more time because so many people are praying for peace.
Mary speaks of the power of prayer, especially the rosary, to create energy: “When you say the rosary, you are surrounded by my energy, which never leaves you.” She shows people surrounded by her energy in the form of roses and continues: “Prayers from all traditions create energy around one, but they do not create my energy in the form of roses–only the rosary does this.”
“Do not be distracted by people’s dramas. They distract you from the path and from prayer. Do not judge people or situations. Just pray and do your work. See every situation that comes to you as an opportunity to be more loving.”
“Each of you must speak the truth that you know.”
“The situation in Iraq will explode at the same time as the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict explodes. It will be a very hard summer.”
“There are six major U.S. cities under considered right now for an attack: New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Create pyramids of light over these cities, extending down to their four corners, and ask the angels and beings of light to maintain the pyramids and protect
these cities. Also ask the angels to protect Los Alamos National
Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory (in Albuquerque) because they are also being considered for attacks.”
“I am asking you to take risks, to live the holy life. You need to do this in order to take advantage of the higher consciousness that is coming into your planet.”
Mary again speaks of the six cities and the national laboratories that are the prime targets under consideration for attack now and asks that we pray every day for their protection, visualizing pyramids of light over them and invoking angels and beings of light to protect them. She then comments
on the attacks: “The attacks will come from within the U.S. government and from foreign terrorist groups, like al-Qaida. Many smaller cities are also being targeted for attacks. They are too many to mention. Those planning the attacks do not want to attack just one part of the U.S., but all parts
in order to create the sense that there is no safety to be found anywhere. A major attack is being planned for the summer. Continue to pray for the protection of your country. Pray for this not because your people are any better than people of other countries or more deserving of protection. It is because the people of the United States have a unique force which, when
they are attacked, will be unleashed in retaliation against other countries. This will escalate the death and destruction, creating more anger, fear, and hatred. This is what the dark beings want. The people of the Mideast have lived for a very long time with the reality of war. They do not like it, but
they are used to it. But the people of the U.S. are not accustomed to attacks and, when the attacks come, the U.S. will retaliate in a huge way. It therefore is important to pray for your country and create blankets of light over these cities.”
Mary speaks of a report that appeared in the press that an al-Qaida official stated that four million Americans would have to die for an Islamic victory to be achieved. She confirms that this is what they believe. She then states:“There are two avenues through which attacks will occur in your
country. One avenue is through the dark forces and reptilians in the U.S. government, and the other is through terrorists groups, like al-Qaida, from outside the U.S.”
Mary comments on the role of chaos in bringing about change: “Chaos is a cosmic quality that operates on this level, this plane, although it does not operate on all planes. It has its place and purpose. You should not be disappointed with chaos. Humans are resistant to change, so change
usually comes through chaos. Over the next few years, there will be a lot of chaos in your personal lives and world. You must be able to go with it because it has its purpose.”
“The battle of Armageddon is happening right now. It is happening on other levels, and all kinds of beings are already involved. The earth is where the battle is manifesting, but it is already being fought on other levels.”
Mary speaks of the death and loss of loved one that we will experience as events further unfold. She shows a bloodbath, a river of blood, along the Mississippi River and other disasters. She also reiterates that 2/3 of the world’s population will die as a result of the wars and natural disasters.
She then speaks of what will become of the souls who die, as well as those who survive:“The people who die in the wars and man-made disasters and in the natural disasters and earth changes, if their hearts are in the right place, will come very close to God through the process. They will at some
point reincarnate on the earth. Those whose hearts are not close to God will not reincarnate on the earth; they will go to another place. After the changes, it will take a while for beings to reincarnate into your realm, and it will take a while for the survivors to adjust to the new world and way of
being. There will be a shift in their DNA, and there will be a higher frequency on this plane.”
Mary voices a warning of something very unnatural that will happen with the sun’s energy, which she says is a gift of God which bring light into the world. She says that the sun’s energy will mix with a man-made substance already present on the planet and that the mixture will create toxins that are chemical in nature which will be deadly to many people. These toxins
will be in the air and on the earth, and the human body will not be able to tolerate them. She says that this is one reason why it is crucial for us–adults and children alike–to do spiritual practices and visualizations using light to raise our energetic frequencies. If our frequencies are raised high enough, activating our spiritual DNA, these toxins and the
man-made diseases that will spread across the globe will not affect us–they will pass through and not harm us. She says that she will come to those who are working to raise their vibration and help them to do this.
“A comet is coming toward the earth. Whether or not it hits the earth depends on the people of the earth. If it hits the earth, millions of people will die. If it does not hit the earth, it will pass close to the earth and shift the earth’s axis, which will have many effects. Scientists are following the comet. You can talk to people at NASA–it is not a secret.
I showed you this a long time ago.”
“Many things cannot be averted. You (the people of the world) can lessen them, but you cannot avert all of them. If all people were to turn to God, all the destruction and devastation would be averted. But most people do not even think of God once throughout the day. They are caught up in money and
the pursuit of material possessions. People can carry the awareness of God, regardless of what they are doing. People need to ask to be in the awareness of God. Your first priority should be God, as if you are in love with God and God is all you want. You should ask for this.”
Mary has spoken of dark beings of every nationality, culture, race, and ethnic group and has identified many who are orchestrating the wars and other man-made disasters. Today she speaks of dark beings who are Jewish and the role of Israel in the events that are unfolding: “There are many dark
beings among the Jews and in Israel. They hold the knowledge of what can change. They have found and are holding secret writings and power objects hidden in Israel from the time of Jesus. These writings and objects were buried there. They are loaded with energy. If they were released and their power used, it could change everything. The writings that were found include
writings of Jesus, and they are being held in the Vatican. A battle is going on between light beings and dark beings in the Vatican over the release of these writings. I want them released. (Mary has stated many times that Jesus’s writings are being held in the Vatican.) Israel is pivotal to what
happens in the Mideast. It is the eye of the storm. Watch Israel for what will happen in that region. When things blow up in Israel, the dark beings in Israel will unite with the dark beings in the U.S.”
“The energy on the planet will be very heavy for the next three
months–in big ways and small ways.” She then shows the horror of what is going to happen in the United States, affirming once again that “George Bush, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Ladin are working together.”
Mary reveals that the United States is testing sophisticated weapons in Iraq and shows some of them. One is a bomb that kills people but does not destroy buildings. Another is a gun which emits something like a laser that can travel up to 25 miles. It detects and seeks out people by heat and
destroys them from within, leaving their bodies charred on the outside. She also shows sophisticated missiles and bombs that are being tested in Iraq. She comments that the creation of these weapons is a misuse of man’s abilities.
She says, “A dark night is entering,” evoking a sense that something very evil is going to occur in the U.S. and that prayers are crucial right now.
Mary shows the face of an Arab man. At first he is dressed in a suit, then in chem gear. She says: “This man is going to be a national, regional, and world trickster.” She the shows the horror of what is happening in Iraq, especially for the children there. Many have been killed and are being killed.
“Iraq is going to blow!”
Mary flashes over and over again, like a large red neon sign: “NORTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA.” She reveals: “The United States is going to claim that they found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that the Chinese and the North Koreans were involved in developing them. The United States
will become more hostile toward North Korea, “picking” at that country. The North Koreans will not stand for it, and tensions between the U.S. and North Korea will escalate.”
“There will be a major blow to the U.S. economy.”
“The next 12 months will be a very difficult time on the world stage. But do not be too preoccupied with what is happening on the world stage, for it also will be a time of opportunity because of the energetic changes that will be occurring on your planet. These changes will benefit those who are
open spiritually.”
“Recent bombings by Iraqis have killed hundreds of Americans. The bombs being used have material that is unfamiliar to the Americans. It is a chemical–a filth–that is seeping into the ground and contaminating it.”
“Mr. Hussein is going to play his last card. I told you he was going to shock the world.”
“The way to respond to the war in Iraq, the way to change it, is to end the wars you have within yourselves and with others. Your response to your personal wars tells you how you are within yourselves. Ending your personal wars will make all the difference. You have to transform yourselves personally in order to change things on a collective level. So be prepared
to address the wars in your life. It is best to walk away from some of them. There are some people whom you do not have to have in your life; then there is no war with them. The true war is within you. You have to transform internally and raise your vibration in order to resolve your internal wars.”
“Times will be very difficult. There will be many earth disasters. In the past, the earth has gone through many cycles, changes, and disasters, but this time they will be monumental. I have shown you in the past many of the places that will be affected.” She then shows, as she has before, New York
City being flooded, a massive earthquake and flooding along the
Mississippi River, and massive earthquakes in California.
“The Iranians and the Saudis will become involved in a huge way as war in the Mideast escalates. The Saudi involvement will be seen as a huge betrayal of the United States.”
Mary flashes over and over again “NORTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA” in large bold letters.
“There are groups of people from other countries–terrorists--situated in the United States. They are planning strategic bombings that will cripple the U.S. economy. This will set the stage for the euro to be adopted as the one-world currency.”
“There is underground testing occurring in and around Yellowstone National Park. There have been several earthquakes there over the last few weeks. Underground testing is also being done in New Mexico in the area from Los Alamos to Chaco Canyon. The testing in these places is destroying the underground ecosystems of these areas and causing earthquakes in other
areas. The testing could precipitate a massive volcanic eruption in Yellowstone. If this happens, it will cripple the United States.”
“Pray intensely over the next two weeks for your country. A major attack is planned against the United States. A nuclear device will be detonated in New York or Chicago. A chemical agent will be used in an attack on the West coast. It will burn people from the inside out, and millions of people will
die. These attacks are meant to cripple the United States.”
Mary says over and over again, “Hell is coming to your country.” She shows an enormous black cloud, which she has shown before, pulsating over the Mideast. It is powerful and fueling people throughout the region with darkness. The cloud’s dark energy also makes it difficult for light beings who are trying to help people in Iraq. She then shows the death and destruction occurring there, which is far more than the American people
are being told. She says that, as bad as the death and destruction is, the greater tragedy is the energetic effects in the form of this black cloud which will wreak death and destruction far beyond Iraq. The black cloud is like a disease that first appears energetically and then manifests in
the physical body. Mary indicates that the black energy of the cloud will bring death and destruction not only to the Mideast, but also to other parts of the earth. She next shows the cloud, which has a demonic quality, moving toward the United States. Then she shows tall buildings exploding, bodies falling from them, body parts scattered about, and people buried under
the debris of collapsed buildings. She specifically shows downtown Chicago and a tall building there where thousands of people work. She then shows St. Louis and blood–the ground saturated with blood and the Mississippi River filled with blood, a river of blood, and large brick buildings and houses
collapsing. She repeats over and over again in reference to this black cloud, “Hell is coming over your country. Hell is coming in your country.”
Mary does not want people to feel powerless in the face of the events that are unfolding. She therefore asks that a spiritual practice be included in each communication of her messages. She emphasizes the need for us to rise of a higher frequency, and the following exercise will help you to do this.
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and visualize a vibrant white light at the base of your spine. See (and feel) it moving up your spine to the top of your head. Above your head see it making a loop and coming back down the spine, forming a figure eight. As you visualize this figure-eight flow of energy circulating up and down your spine for several minutes, ask Mary
to fill you with her grace, love and light. (If you begin to get dizzy or uncomfortable, you should stop.)
Please feel free to pass Mary’s messages on to others. If you wish to receive these messages directly and are not receiving them, contact Back issues of Prophecy & Politics can be downloaded for free at A blueprint of the end
times based on Mary’s revelations, entitled “A Letter of Love,” is also available for free on the same website.