Re: The coming events upon man
It is my belief that things have changed since these prophecies/visions have occurred. These visions were received in the 70s. I am very happy that so much has changed that I am not living in the world as described in Veronica Luken's visions.
While I believe there are events that seem fated to happen to those who remain on this earth until the final hour, there are details (wars, famines, revolutions) which are, to a great extent, under man's control.
A previous poster mentioned the "red sky" -- which Luken also speaks of ... The "red sky" pheonomeneon is mentioned by prophets of different cultures/religions. I have tried to discover what might cause this red sky --- and the only thing I have discovered so far is that it could be caused by a superheating of the ionosphere surrounding the earth. It seems that this could be man-made (by a fully operational ? such as HAARP) or it might be caused by a large solar blast. At any rate, being prepared to stay inside for several days to a week seems mandatory. I imagine an event of this magnitude is likely to bring out the best/worst in man.
I think it is interesting to look at her visions and see how they compare with today. Surely she has outlined many of the trouble spots, and one can see how close we are or have come to what she has seen.
I have only recently come upon this forum. I have found some interesting sharing and discussion going on here. I hope we are all prepared when the time comes. Unlike the visions of Luken and in contrast to my earlier beliefs, I believe the "new earth" will be the best yet, full of many people. I do not believe we shall have to start all over. As for those who must remain behind on the "old earth", I hope they learn something from the horrendously difficult experience they will go through.
Pleasant journeys.