Looking for an effective cleanse less complicated than Arise and Shine ...
I am looking for an effective yet less complicated cleanse. I started the Arise and Shine cleanse but found that taking the psyllium shake became somewhat difficult which made the cleanse difficult. I had a great start, I kicked off my cleanse was with the Master Cleanse, then followed that with a diet of raw foods and decided to do Arise and Shine a week later. I felt great, spirit was up, wieght was down things seemed to be going well. But about two-maybe two and a half weeks into it, I started falling off track with the psyllium shakes. Ultimately, I got distracted, felt like I lost focus and didn't finish the cleanse. Something ended up taking me to the completely opposite extreme (where I am now) more or less unable to stick to a sensible eating plan with out going overboard.
So now I was thinking of starting
The Master Cleanse again since the lack of food seemed to take my attention off food and onto things more important... and because it put me a really good place physically, spiritually and emotionally...I really desired to live a quality healthful concious life.
I want to make sure I cleanse in the proper order ultimately leading to a diet such as the Body Ecology Diet.
So what is the proper order of cleansing?
Any and all suggestions welcome...
Thank you,