21 y
metabolism rate slowing down- eating lots
Been over three weeks I think since I did my third liver flush. things seemed great tongue was all pink and i felt pretty nice.
now my tongue is no longer that pink. The everyday white coat is thick again. ofcourse I clean it but its not as pink as it was after the
Master-Cleanse and liver cleases.
my metabolism rate had slowed down considerably. Don't even get my BMs everyday. I am atint quite a bit of raw cabbage, greens and cucumbers apart from fruits like apples, peas, grapefruit..
I also feel like eating lots especially at dineer time. And i seem to have a big urge to eat carbohydrates like rice and i think i end up eating quite a bit. Am also eating lentils ona regualr basis.
But am just not feeling good because am not getting my BMs the way i used to earlier. May be i should do the salt water flushes? i am drinking good amount of water so i don't think that is a big reason.
any advise?