I'm glad to hear you got relief from the leg pain. That is good news!
I forgot to add that I also take Lipoic Acid, about 200mg per day. But now you have me thinking about the fillings and crowns in my mouth. I had thought some time ago about getting them replaced. But I decided that I have so many, and I don't really have any problems with them, so I wouldn't do it.
Well, I now have a call into a holistic dentist in the area. He is listed in the reference page on the internet. I will at least go in and see what he has to say. They do all kinds of diagnostics and other things there also. I will be armed with Dr. Clarks protocol for removal and whatever else I can find.
Thanks for not letting me slide on this. (Of course, the good thing is that food doesn't taste good so maybe I'll lose a couple pounds. Ha ha)