Re: Burning Neck.
might do a kidney flushand combine it with oil swishing...
get eom unrefiend sesame or sunflower oil and evyer moring... take a table sppon (do not drink it!)
in mouth and swish ot for 3 minutes only ... swish it between teeht etc.. it will drawour toxins fo ryou blood...
spit it out and repeat.. when doen swuich moth out with a lgith baking soda water and spit ta tout..
do that 2 tiems a day it will trun milky and yucky looking..
from teh toxins it pulls form your blood.and anytoxins out will lessen teh load on you r system to ahv eto foleter out.
there is an oil rub i ahve posssssste don beauty tips forum/
for the chest/ upper arema area tha tis a lymph help i fyougothere i think it is on one fo teh back pages
itis faaaarily eay and quick to amke.. rubi ton yoru chest
and upper arsma esp after a warm shower ot help drain off toxins befoer ethe congest the lymph s futher..
also are youdrinkign any alkayine tyep water?
might consdie that aslo... prillb eads are a one tiem forver puchasea t 20 or less and veyr easy to use to amke wate rtha tis 10 % alkalyne.. witll gegreatly aid in flushign out toxins for sure.. and makign your body mor ealkalyne.
i knwoyoucna get ehn cheaper .. i og tmine a they come ina small nettign you ricne then off int eh neettign teh i poure dmine out of the bag..
you pu tthen in a gallon glass contaienr with top and fill with water. let sit 24 hours.
after theat tak eout 3/4 of the water and set asde for drinkign or mixign with your fruit juices etc..
repelnish inothe gallon jusg the 3/4 youdre woff.
after tha tevey hour youcna draw off 3/4 fo rthe rest of your life 8)
i jsut lov eit.. it make a thinner more suepr hydrated water maolecular structure tha tis 10 % a;kaline .. it helps giv emore volume to blood calls in creasign tehr capacity eto brign fresh bloo doxygenetc.. to oregans and also in washig awy waste.. and reducecs teh acidity of evne rthign it coem sin contach with basilly.. and weall knwo that bad thigns cannot surevive in highly alkayine bidies *)
i will look uphe web where i go tmy sesame unrefien doil form onlien / bu ti think you can ge t itin a health food store if youahve oen yougoto.
also iagree about lie with feet up bu ti woudl keep my head raised... youdon't need hta gunk congest ign youin teh head area either...
tak e soem epom foot batehs o ri fyouahve soem
Bentonite might putyour feet in a bucket and keep thenm slatherd at eladt upto your shins.. with bnetonite keep it moist repack on mor edam p if it start es to ge tdry..
and after about 30 minutes pour soem water over legs feet slwoly and wipe them clena .
let bucke tsettle... then usign a disposable typ cup drawoff th eewater and pour down tub/ but dump the sludge ina garbe back ( it is toxic migth burn you with wha tit will pull form you dso be sure and try not to touch it .. )
better yet to start, line your buke tiw tha palstcu bag tehn ti will already be in one 8)
easier claean up.
Andreas if the oen that suggests teh sesame swishin oen of his books btw and the foot mudbath was apssed alogn to me as a suggetion also by him becau ei ahv eno tub and also too cold to do it out sdie the regular magnetci bathe and ihave bad plumbign 8)