Re: Thanks Texan
You're welcome, Scatts.
BTW, if you are considering a purchase, read this:
Hi people. This might help you save a few bucks:
You see, back in May, Detoxi-Pad ($20 box of 10) had a limited promotion where one can buy 5 boxes of 10s (50 pcs.) for only $70. This comes out to $1.40 per piece. I have availed of this promotion twice and shipping cost is $16.
The promotion was supposed to end by May 30, 2003. However, I found out last week that the link to the ordering system at for the promo pack is still active! While the ad on the web site is no longer there, you can simply copy and enter the URL directly on your browser's Address field and it takes you to the shopping cart directly!
I know that the link and the ordering system still works because the order I placed last week came in this morning. While the promotion if officially over, they probably forgot to deactivate the link to it. Oh well, as long as thy ship my order.
Link to Detoxipad 5-pack Promotion