Yeah for dark greens use 1/4 cup it's a powerful detoxifier. But if your not too toxic more is good.
I found or was introduced to something that helps very much also. It's one of the reasons why people juice.
There is a lot of energy in raw foods as negatively charged hydrogen and can be measured with a little device called an ORP meter. Fresh juice is around -100 millivolts, wheat grass -200 milliovolts, and tap water around +450 millivolts which is highly oxidized. What H-(negatively charged hydrogen) does is charge up the cells and helps to zap invaders before they can get into the cells increasing their natural function, and also H- is needed to produce energy the ATP molecule. But now after over 30 years of research on water from the healthiest long lived people on earth the Huza people, we can get pure H- in a capsule. H- is pure hydrogen with an extra electron bound on its outer surface, H- ions. Added to a glass of water it reduces it to -750 millivolts, it's compared to 10,000 glasses of fresh organic orange juice. These ions play a big role
in keeping us healthy. If you feel you would like to try it here's a web page