so sick, HELP!
I feel HORRIBLE! besides suspecting I am pregnant, having
nausea for 2 weeks, being weak and tired, and my breast is
painful to nurse as I have less milk.
anything that ressembles garlic makes me NAUSEOUS!! I can't eat nothing.. ahh the pregnant sense of smell, can't bear anything sharp like garlic or onion.. it can make me puke in no time!
yestreday I got SICK! high fever, shivers, painful throat like HELL! (but not strep)
now my neck feels swollen. my mouth is dribbling saliva.
swallowing is PAINFUL. my head hurts.
my son has runny nose with some thick green phelegm. I guess
he is exposed to whatever i am exposed.
anything to do?
any idea what is THAT? (it not meningitis, because my neck is not stiff, thank God! but still freaking what is that!)
in pain and worry what can happen to the unborn baby!