Book Launch of SECRETS OF LIFE huge
The official launch of SECRETS OF LIFE at World's Biggest Bookstore in Toronto was a huge success. Store Manager Royce Calverley calls the attendance "unprecedented for a first-time author," topping events they have held for best-selling authors.
The standing-room-only crowd listened to Cottrell talk about how he got started doing Deep Trance Meditation work, as well as the spiritual lessons he has learned over the years.
He followed with a lengthy question-and-answer period from the guests, which included general questions about spirituality and the spiritual dimensions, to personal questions (about health, career, past lives, etc) to predictions about global events.
Cottrell took the guests through a 15-minute harmony meditation, and then offered spiritual healing to anyone who requested it. Guests lined up as one at a time, they came forward to receive the energy. The more people came forward, the warmer the room became with the energy expanding further and further outwards. Many reported feeling warm, and some reported feeling tingly. A few of the guests collapsed to the floor under the power of the healing energy.
Pictures of Douglas (lecturing, healing and signing books)