Starbrow: A Spiritual Adventure .... By Tim Ray
This book literally changed my life. Simply put, it is a GREAT positive story, and I identified with the characters very very much. It is very new-agish.
The characters are everyday people who have been friends for years and years. Although their lives have taken different turns (one of them works in a bar, another majors in physics, the other has a low level job in an advertising firm) the three have stayed friends and made a ritual out of playing a role playing game at least once a week. Then.. They all start getting restless, feeling like their is more to life than work, sex, girlfriends, partying etc etc. Feeling like they are missing out on something bigger than what we see on earth.
From here you follow them as they learn about themselves, the universe, getting in touch with their inner selves through meditation, and above all - realizing that being positive in ALL aspects of their lives is the way to go!
Not everybody will have the same reaction to this book. As I have recently left my teenage years, I have been constantly battling with myself, going through the figure-yourself-out 'stage'. This book made me realize how much BETTER life is when you are positive about everything! I owe a lot to this book.