19 y
Re: unknown things that bother people about walmart
When you pull up there is hardly any parking
The security vehicle follows you around if you drive through the parking lot to look at merchandise in the parking lot
You notice you will feel like you are in a Salvation Army when you approach the door
You are greeted by a strange looking group of real people which are nice, but give an odd feeling to the atmosphere
Customer service is something we wont discuss
Cheap cheap cheap because everything there is either made in China, or an illegal sweatshop tucked away somewhere
Walmart sucks the living breath out of the companies it does business with
Walmart can make or break the companies it works with
Walmart rears its ugly head everywhere in the country
Pretty soon there will be no stores but walmart
The name walmart is a synonym for trailer parks, cigarette residues and many foreigners.
When you shop at Walmart you are not buying American, but the exact opposite.