I too noticed the gurgling noises in the upper intestine after taking it. I never heard "that" gurgle coming from me before so I definitely noticed. Must be the oxygen releasing (activated by the lemon juice).
I would stick too the program, up the dosage just as an experiment and post the results. I personally took 1 tbsp a day and some days it was a hEAPIng tbsp.
I too did notice my BM's were more watery and definitely consistent. Though since Dr. Shultz's Colon Cleanse I seem to have at least 1 BM after each meal.
Perhaps if you do a Liver Flush after you feel you've done the Homozon long enough (I did it for 1 month) you will experience an elimination like I did?( see 5th Liver Flush results! What? viva 19:37 Jul 29 889 96).
Or you could try a coffee enema at the end? just some suggestions. Keep us posted.