Study cases
Case 1: CANCER
Started as a prostate cancer metastasized to lungs. The family of the patient was advised by the doctors that he had only 3 months to live. In a terrible condition with the chemo and the like, extremely weak and obviously loosing the battle.
Now, after a month's treatment feeling very energetic and in high spirits, optimistic and able to go to church every Sunday. This is almost 5 months now. He was supposed to be dead 2 months ago.
Treatment: Vitamin supplements and antioxidants like Multivitamin, Vitamin C, co-CQ10, Shark oil, Amygdalin, Selenium. Green tea as well and juices. NO
Sugar (including honey) and no coffee.
His latest Cancer Marker analysis showed a drop in his PSA from 1350 to 900.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to use other cure means like the (zapper, blood purifier,
Colloidal Silver , magnetic pulser ozonated water), due to the fact that his family feels that if more additions are made to the protocol he is following now he will suspect how close he was and this , they fear will have negative psychological effects on him.
Case 2:
Breast Cancer ( My wife- 3rd stage)
Had a mastectomy (Left breast) in November 2004. Chemo and radiation ended in June. The doctor suggested that by December this year it would be a good move to have her right breast removed as well, for precautionary reasons ( the usual burning and cutting of the so-called orthodox medicine ) since that breast had a lot of tumors ( not cancerous and not sure if I use the right word in English. Perhaps cysts is the more appropriate word ).
We then started with supplements and antioxidants (almost similar to case 1), juices, Ozonated water, Zapper, Blood purifier,
Colloidal Silver , no sugar, no coffee.
The first Cancer Marker analysis showed a drop from 30 to 26. She is feeling great and the doctor is still confused I quess by the great positive changes to her right breast. " Positively very different (doctor's own words) and she seemed to be unable to feel any cysts. It's like they are now gone.
Case 3: Arthritis
Midle-aged woman, taking medication for many years now, following an operation (tendon ). Her fingers were "closed" and she couldn't open them.
Fingers "opened" and able to move ( though weak) within 15 days of treatment with the Zapper. Nothing else used.
Case 4: Cancer (started as a
Breast Cancer metastasised in various places now )
The sister of the lady in case 3. Used the Zapper for about a month. The subsequent cancer markers analysis showed a drop from 35 to 25. Unable to follow the case now, since she has left the country.
Case 5: Intestinal problem (don't know the term of the sickness in English)
A girl about 9 years old, having problems with her intestines for a number of years now and nothing could be done. Started the child on
Colloidal Silver and in about 10-15 days her mother ( a colleaque and a follower of Alternative medicine) reported to me that the child was cured. Advised to go now, on a maintance dose to avoid recurrence.
The mother, again with intestinal problems ( it is colitis I think in english) for many years now, never saw a real cure with the so-called orthodox medicine. Started her on colloidal silver and zapping and almost 9 days since then she reported very positive results, though not fully cured yet. Still continuing with the treatment.
Case 6: Chronic fatique and other ailments ( Myself )
For almost as long as I can remember I was always feeling tired, my legs failed me and though my spirit was always willing to do a lot of things, travel, excursions etc, still my body strongly "disagreed" with the above.
Started with zapping, Blood purifier, colloidal silver and ozonated water.I watched things slowly progressing. In almost a months time I was/I am a totally different person. Full of energy, a clear mind (it's been foggy the last 1-2 years and started worrying about that) and I cannot easily remember now how does it feel to be tired and empty.
Cysts on both my legs have reduced significantly in size, from a walnut size to a bean (don't seem to be able to reduce them more in size for a month now, but I'm satisfied).
Unexpectedly and not doing any specific treatment for that, blue dark veins below my ankles -especially the right leg- which to my opinion showed a circulatory problem are now totally cleared for my left leg and 90-95% for my right.
Now if anyone asks which of the things I used (zapping, blood purifier, colloidal silver, ozonated water) did the trick, unfortunately the answer would be a big " I don't know". But then I'm one of those who believe in synergestic effects and surely every method used had something positive to contribute.
Finally I have to apologise for any gramatical mistakes, syntax or the poor terminology with regard to ailments. English is not my native language and I did everything possible to be as correct and exact as I could be.
I hope the above will be of help and encouraging to those who want to take control of their health.
Wish you all well