Re: Distiller or Reverse Osmosis??
Distilled water is the best in the way of every nasty being taken out. Both units will struggle with Fluoride although manufacturers state otherwise. The reason for this is that `F' evaporates at almost the same temperature as water.
Reverse Osmosis is the one if you want a lot of water per day and doesn't cost anything to run. The distiller only does on average depending on what model you get 1 gallon every 5 hours. I have a distiller and its a pain only getting this much. At 580W it isn't that expensive but it all mounts up compared to RO. Personally I would have an RO unit next time.
It's annoying we have to buy equipment to have clean HEALTHY water. Here in the U.K you have to pay made amounts of money for this sh** water on top.
As for Acidic water distilled water is slighly acid but not much. Both systems produce negative water and this is because water is negative to start with. The way this is measured is with the BOVIS scale. Distilled water is around 3000-3500 which is negative and thats why fish die sooner in this. RO water can be up to about 5500 bovis. I think to be positive it has to be over 6000 or 6500 bovis. Anything below that is bad for us and doesn't hydrate the cells properly etc infact its almost a waste of time expecting it to do its job more than keeping you alive JUST. You need to get an Energiser for your water and the simplest method is a device called a VITALISER PLUS which can make water up to 200-400,000 bovis. You will know this from the energy feeling in the body the first time you take it. Its all scientifically proven and I've provided a link for a supplier.
Theres a couple of devices for charging water here!