New England Journal: Merck Concealed Data
Merck is slowly crumbling and it couldn't happen too soon...two weeks ago they laid off over 7,000 employees....closed 5 plants plus they are being sued left and right ffrom the Vioxx victim's families. Sorry to hear about the 7000+ people who lost their jobs but all they were doing was working for MURDERERS!
"The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine."
~ William Osler, M.D.
AP - 1 hour, 26 minutes ago
TRENTON, N.J. - Vioxx maker Merck & Co. concealed heart attacks suffered by three patients during a clinical study of the now-withdrawn painkiller in a report on the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2000, the journal wrote in an editorial released Thursday. The editorial, written by the journal's editor in chief, Dr. Jeffrey M. Drazen, executive editor Dr. Gregory D. Curfman and a third doctor, also alleges the study's authors deleted other relevant data before submitting their article for publication.