Dentists don't do body, Doctors don't do teeth -
What if you have a root canaled tooth with an infection inside of it, not just around the roots, and it is causing all sorts of symptoms from leg cramps to headaches and fatigue - where do you go for help?
Dentists don't do body, Doctors don't do teeth - who is going to diagnose and treat the cases where patients have a dental infection that is causing health problems?
I went through that, and my doctor said "thats not my area of expertise" ; the dentist's helper, the only one you get to talk to about it, deflects it by saying "thats 'medical', talk to your doctor". I tried to ask the dentist if the tooth infection was causing bodily health problems, and he just looked at the helper and said nothing.
This went on over and over as I searched around for a dentist who would help me.
The doctors treat the whole body except the part of the body called the Trigeminal Nerve. Thats for dentists, as agreed upon at medical school.
This kind of infection is not rare, the teeth are dirty places and any little hiding spot like a
root canal with cracks so the insides wil have bacteria too. Special bvacteria because it is "anerobic", no oxygen ,from blood flow ,to that hide-y-hole.
Bacteria adapt to that kind of anerobic condition very quickly, bacteria are the best at that. The anerobic ones are often deadly to humans! I believe it is the waste products of these bacteria that our bodies have to deal with that make us sick, and cause neurological pains and problems. Like botulism does...
All of our fillings will have little cracks after 5 years, usually within three years. If its 10 years old, there are large gaps for bacteria to go to work in.
root canals have that large opening inside them for super-colonies. Did you ever get a smell of that when the dentist drills really deep and hits the oinfection pocket? Yaa-uuuckk.
I think this actually explains about half of all Fibromyalgia and Cronic fatigue and chronic pain conditions - all my symptoms of Fibromyalgia were gone after extraction of the filled teeth and root canals. you might want to give it a try if your fibro is horrible, its worth it for sure.
The dentists were really bad to me, i was in huge pain right in the teeth, forget the bodily problems. They wanted me to get them drilled and filled some more, put on crowns, but I had done that and the pains never did stop. They never would with that infection there. And there was no way to beat that infection since it was artificially created with
root canals and the body cannot get in there to fight it.
okay, I gotta keep telling my story!