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Published: 22 y
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Hi Beetlejuice!

I can't speak for Tracey and what she did or didn't send you...but I can tell you that just because you received an email that said it was from her doesn't mean that she sent it! There is a computer virus which enters a person's computer and uses email addresses that are on their system and then sends out emails as if they originated from those email addresses. The virus is not on the computer of the one who 'owns' the email there is no way for that person to do anything about it. This very same thing happened to me and someone else at CureZone was the recipient of some 'colorful' email that had my email address as the sender...consequently I think one of the regular CureZone users may likely have this virus on their computer without knowledge of it. I know Tracey occasionally includes her email address in her posts and I previously did as well. Folks should regularly 'scrub' their computers for viruses...these critters are particularly annoying because you don't realize that you have it and the person who gets the backlash for it can't do a thing about it! BTW...this virus is only capable of infiltrating PCs...Tracey and I are both on Apples!


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