I am sorry for asking this question when I do indeed have your book and I did read that part but you didn't say anything like "this is what is known as a gallbladder attack." So while I was reading it, I just assumed that the spasms you wrote about were what we call an attack but I wanted to be sure by asking you the question more specifically. I wondered too if the spasms of the cystic duct or common bile duct is where the real pain is coming from or if it's also the spasms of the gallbladder itself. If the greater pain is from the stone in the ducts then it's really not a gallbladder attack then is it? (That's just what we call it.) I am just very interested in what is happening inside me and the science of it all besides wanting to get well. Please forgive me if I troubled you with my question. I just wanted to learn more. :-)